Xiao IO expander COMING

most people dont know what they are missing with the expansion board and no acrylic case.
fyi put a piece of foam under the acrylic case and over the 8 pins on the right side. These pins stick up high enough that they can short out against wires or metal on the work bench… dont ask me how i know

go ahead and get them the price is going up all the time, im sure you can get a run to work

is the IO Expander Sold Out

how about this product to be modified?

I would love to buy some of these, but the link no longer works?

Hi there,
They do Work, I think they were going to Revise it, so it may be worth the wait if they improve on it. But it does work. :wink: :+1: also there are others albeit LARGER :face_with_peeking_eye: for sale
GL :slight_smile: PJ

Ah, I see, interesting they revise so soon after release! Looks like you can’t buy them anymore (or at least that I can find). What else is for sale?
Thanks, Sam

Hi there,
Yea, just google “port expander arduino”
You get MORE than enough choices…
GL :slight_smile: PJ