Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C6

Hi, my first post here! I just received a XIAO ESP32C6 and on the bottom surface there are two + - pads labeled “BAT”. There are also pins for GND, 3.3v and VBUS/5V. I want to connect a 3.7v lipo rechargeable battery but connecting on the bottom two pads would be difficult because the module is going to be soldered to a PCB. Can I connect the battery to the GND and 3.3v (or 5v/VBUS) pin? I also want to use the onboard charging function to recharge the battery. I hope I’m not required to use the bottom + - BAT pads because I don’t see how I can connect those on a PCB. Thanks in advance for any help!

you have to design oval thru hole pads… via under the XIAO and flow solder to close the connection… anything else will not take advantage of the onboard charging via usb


Thanks, that makes sense. Does anyone know if there are any component files available for Fusion 360 electronics (or Kicad, etc. that I can import) that have the footprint?

Hi there,
and welcome here…
There are in some cases both but most all have a Kicad or Eagle files always at the end of the WiKi for the particular part. Go to the wiki and scroll to the end there is some resource files there. If you need something specific just post the ask to seeed tech support & community if its available you recieve it. :+1:
GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

also sometimes on the sales page on web site has additional user contributed resources as well.


@Seeed Support:

In Fusion 360 there is a library called “Seeed Studio XIAO Series” and they have the component for the ESP32C3 but not the ESP32C6. I really need this to make the Gerber file to print my PCB. Can you please update this library to include the component for the ESP32C6?

Anyone have any ideas how I can reach Seeed support and encourage them to add this component? I can’t be the only one who needs this.

I think this library can help you:

Thanks but it’s not there. I am looking for a component I can import in Fusion 360 (or any other similar software) that can be used to place in a schematic which can then be used to generate a Gerber file to print a custom PCB. These components are very standard and ubiquitous. There’s a public library accessible in Fusion 360 called “Seeed Studio XIAO Series” that has the XIAO ESP32C3 but not the ESP32C6.

I emailed Seeed Support with this query “In Fusion 360 electronics design there is a library called “Seeed Studio XIAO Series” and they have the component for the ESP32C3 but not the ESP32C6. Can you please update this library ASAP and add the component for the ESP32C6 as I need it to make my custom PCB. Thanks!”

and I got back this most ridiculous response:

"Hi, we can quote you for components even if they are not in our OPL.

As long as you write the correct MPN or SKU and the corresponding link in the BOM.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have further problems.

Best Regards,
Seeed Fusion Support Team

So, @ Seeed_Harrison, the bottom line is the component for the XIAO ESP32C3 is there in the public library and it shouldn’t be very hard for the person from XIAO who uploaded that component to modify it for the C6 since the only changes are on the bottom. Is there anyone else I can reach out to? Thanks.

please be advised that that this statement is incorrect… the C6 is completely a different processor just like the S3 is completely differnt from the C3… the same code will not work on each one… they may look the same but if the code is not correct for the processor it will not… like if i talk to a hot woman from france… she may respond to me saying ohh la-la… but that is going to be the end of it…

Sorry about the misunderstanding and incorrect reply from my colleague. The KiCad library I posted can be imported in KiCad for your intents. The guide is here:

Hi there,
As an Aside to this Topic.
Did you know You can Import the Eagle Files and Open the Kicad files online in EasyEDA, then Export what you need to Fusion360. It’s a way around but gets you to the destination faster than Walking or waiting IMO. :smile:
HTH :v:
GL :slight_smile: PJ


Thanks PJ, appreciate the tip. The KiCad files Harrison links to above just has the footprint (not the entire component) and it isn’t in a format I can use. I simply need the universal component to import into fusion 360, and I’m surprised I’m having so much trouble trying to find it. I will try your suggestion of EasyEDA (I never heard of this software before) and see if it is able to import the KiCad footprint above and somehow make it into something usable to Fusion 360 (I am skeptical though, but it is worth a try). Thanks for the suggestion.

Hi there,
Ah’ I see what you want now. So also try the Parts library on easyEDA there are links and Parts libraries inside Search for ESP32C6 see what it yield’s. often they have a full footprint and BOM item and Part numbers. (you want pin numbers and name or function when you hover over it)
GL :slight_smile: PJ

It’s out there , you’ll find it then seeed will post it the next day…LOL :smile: :v:
try the work arounds and/or have some patients for the seeed machine to answer.
does the C3, S3 exist?

Yes, that’s what kills me, the public XIAO library has the component for the C3, and the C3 is very similar to the C6. The top pinout and form are exactly the same (compare the C3 and C6 wikis), the only difference is the through holes on the bottom of the chips (for like the battery connection), so it wouldn’t be hard for Mr. XIAO (or whoever at Seeed is responsible for maintaining the library) to upload the newer C6.

I’m currently using the arduino nano ESP32 S3 for my project, but I really like the Seeed ESP32C6. The small form factor is great (who really uses all those pins?) as well as the attachment for an external antenna (what I really need). So i’d like to replace the arduino ESP32S3 with the Seeed ESP32C6 and hopefully down the road use this board for mass production. But I gotta start with the PCB first! I can also try to make the component myself but my skills in this regard are lacking.

Hi there,
Yea I was there 2 yrs ago on my first PCB, see the journey

The whole more I/O issue on that MCU bottom vs. B2B connector I like what I did on the S3 for more pins.Here

I’m still waiting on a SKU# to be able to buy the ESP32S3 Sense without the Camera and WITH the B2B connector soldered on there already.:hourglass_flowing_sand: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :crossed_fingers:
as pictured , NO over heating camera gimmick in sight.

Hang in there…
GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

That’s great work! Although the question remains, instead of adding more pins, why not just use another board with more pins? But of course I know that isn’t what engineers do!

Hi there,
Actually Your’e half correct… LOL
If I may :man_bowing: The word “Xiao” in Chinese means Tiny. The Footprint was establish several years ago. They want to develop innovative ways to squeeze more into less… Sound familiar :smile:
To do it properly you need a cutout in the Board. The Battery Pads are the main point so, any extra I/O is gravy. The C6 and the S3 are so close in specs It’s just a matter of time before even further combinations show up from Espressif to blur the line even further.
They market the C6 as dual core , but no code for it exists, AFAIK.?
with only a 1uA in sleep difference between them, I’m going S3 unless I have to have the WiFi 6 stuff or Zigbee, matter etc.

S3 is more bang for the buc and a TRUE Dual core IMO. the PSram and more I/o via a connector is to easy to pass up. I’m banking on them combining or adding too in the future,
GL :slight_smile: PJ :v: