USB issues with A603 Carrier board and Jetson Orin NX 16GB

Thank you for the reply! I followed the instructions for the normal a603 board flash with the imx219 driver and then replaced all the relevant files with the files provided earlier in this thread under After reflashing having replaced those files I still got the same issue. Am I doing the replacement correctly? Would you mind giving a detailed explanation of how to replace the drivers correctly?

Are you flashing JP5.1.1, JP5.1.2 or JP6? You can check if you have replaced the driver correctly by this method

I’m flashing JP 5.1.2 and I follow all the steps on this page A603 Carrier Board | Seeed Studio Wiki up until the step


instead of the command above I do


which is the new device tree provided by you earlier in this thread. This step does not ask me to replace any files, but instead just creates a “603_imx477_jp512” folder. I do the recommended check by doing

sha1sum ./Linux_for_Tegra/kernel/Image

before and after trying to replace the files with the unzip command, however the Image file has the same ID before and after. I’m doing this on ubuntu 20 laptop so not sure if that makes a difference.

As a side note, I also tried manually individually replacing the files in the Linux_for_Tegra folder with the files and reflashed the board, but still had the issue where using the imx219 driver immediately shut off the USB ports.

Please can you point me in the right direction and help me understand how to get this right?

If it has the same ID before and after replacing the zip, then it means that the driver was not replaced successfully. I recommend you to add sudo to the unzip step like:
sudo unzip

I had this problem once. If you don’t use sudo when replacing the file, it will result in not replacing it successfully.
Maybe you can try it.

BTW, there is a tutorial for JP5.1.2 within the Wiki, where you need to switch.

A603 Carrier Board | Seeed Studio Wiki
Seeing that the name of the driver you unzipped doesn’t match the name of the driver named JP5.1.2 for IMX477 on our website. Please check if your driver is downloaded under this link
Use IMX477 Camera with A603 Jetson Carrier Board | Seeed Studio Wiki