BLE Advertising Current Comparison, ESP32C3,C6,S3, MG24, nRF52840

My project interest is to send sensor data from Peripheral to Central with low current consumption BLE. If the transmission is infrequent, a large current consumption reduction can be achieved by sending the data on the Advertise packet as ManufactureSpecificData without connection.
System_ON_Sleep of XIAO BLE - #31 by msfujino

It is also important that the value of the sleep current be as small as possible since most of the time the device is in sleep mode, and that the current consumption during Advertise, although transmission is occasional, be small.

The XIAO series BLE devices available now include ESP32C3, ESP32C6, ESP32S3, nRF52840, and EFR32MG24, and I have already reported on their sleep current.
Comparison of Sleep Currents for XIAO ESP32C6, S3, and C3
Light / Deep Sleep Current Comparison of XIAO_MG24 and XIAO_nRF52840
Sleep Current of XIAO nRF52840, Deep Sleep vs. Light Sleep

In this report, assuming my project, I compared the superiority of the average current using a sequence that advertises 10 times per second and then sleeps for 59 seconds.
Peripheral and Central are not connected, so the same data is sent 10 times to increase the reliability of the reception. Also, since short distance is assumed, the transmit power was set to 4 dBm.
I used only ArduinoIDE and some available BoardSupportPackages, and did not consider using chip-specific IDE or low-power co-processors. (10.3 KB)

The following is a comparison of advertised waveforms, current consumption, and sleep current. With the following conclusions based on limited my projects assumptions,

  1. ESP32s are not suitable for BLE projects with low current consumption.
  2. The EFR32MG24 has a very low sleep current, which may give it an advantage over the nRF52840 in applications where transmission interval exceeds 15 minutes. It is unfortunate that the transmitter is not designed for low power.
    (For reference, LoRa-E5 has a model for low power)
    Programming LoRa-E5 with Arduino, Comparison of LoRa-E5 and LoRa-E5-LE transmit currents
  3. nRF52840 is by far the best for low current consumption BLE applications.

I hope this will be helpful to others interested in similar projects.


Hi there,

Awesome Look, my guy… I too don’t get why they are not interested in a low power device
transmitter. It’s a power hog the minute you start BLE the thing sucks the juice like it’s unlimited. I look forward to the nRF54L15 devices they are going to SET a whole new low power standard. Especially on BLE Transmit power vs. power consumption.

Keep them coming. :+1:

GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

Hi PJ,
I am very much looking forward to the appearance of XIAO with nRF54L.
At that time, I sincerely hope that the leakage current of a diode or the power consumption of an LDO other than nRF54L will be designed with sufficient care to take advantage of the low sleep current of nRF54L.


Hi there,

I’M with you on that for sure…
Let’s hope they get the next one totally right.
We sure do alert them to the pitfalls and short comings… so hopefully there all :ear: ears.

Seems the LDO’s. Give seeed engineers heartburn, lol​:grinning:, along with the “reading” battery soc… I’m hopful for a PMIC chip also I2C readable ,EVERYONE else in the the battery or wearable devices are implementing them. ABOUT TIME​:grin::+1:
The wio terminal has a MAX chip ,they should stick to the basics and make it happen.

GL :smiley: PJ :v:

Any chance the nRF54L15 can have an additional flash to store programs? Like 4mb? my main reason to abandon the previous nRF52840 was because of the 1.5mb available memory. My project code is close to 2mb and then I still need the space for OTA updates. However, frankly speaking, the 2mb code is due to the BLEDevice ESP32 library, so in Nordic world that can be probably smaller?

Hi there,

There is an expansion board with additional FLASH on it for the smaller MCU’s devices. Grove expansion board, also the DFU can accommodate slots or pages for the OTA updates, ONLY in the NRF_SDK though. It works with the ALL of the Nrf5 series devices.
The nRF54 Series expands on that further allowing multiple slots and a ability to reStore old flash if the New code is a bomb.

Check out the Free webinar at Nordic for the specifics. :+1:

GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

Apologies if I missed it. Is an NRF54L-based Xiao on any published roadmap from Seeed Studio?

Hi there,

No such roadmap for that exists AFAIK…Informally , the word on the street is YES :crossed_fingers: :grin:

GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

If they do, then they probably won’t sell any more of the others :lying_face:because the Nrf54L15 is WAAAAAAY ahead of the rest of the feild.

Thank you, yeah I am really looking forward to it. I hope their design includes the following:

  1. The castellations from the “plus” series boards
  2. Eliminate entirely the pad layout on the back (or at least the battery pads) and fit them into the castellation design – they can sacrifice some gpio breakouts to make it all fit. I doubt anyone will desperately need so many i/o’s.
  3. Provide a built-in antenna but also support adding an external ufl antenna for increased range (similar to the mg24 boards)
  4. An explicit raw voltage input that bypasses the power regulator – I am not entirely sure whether supplying directly to the 3.3v pin is an approved solution or a “hack”
  5. Explicit boot / reset buttons – this absolutely needs to be part of every Xiao going forward.
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