Hi Scott, it is really nice to have you here. We really appreciate what circuit python has done and hopefully we will soon have PR regarding wio terminal for circuit python. Keeping it up.
You’re absolutely right, ArduPy was designed with the intention that he would be able to use the product in a professional way.
Thanks Scott, this is Eric Pan from Seeed. We appreicate the openess!
Ardupy is taking quite a different approach and serving different purposes more towards industrial tool. We will surely consider circuit python as users are now asking for it. Cheers!
I have a project that needs accurate timer so I would like an accurate RTC with an interrupt such as DS3231 to fit in the enclosure. Needs 3v SDA SCL and IO for the square wave
Other requests:
GPS module for position and timing. Needs serial, power and IO for pps signal.
Small plugs to cover up unused ports.
Could the battery chassis have an alternative deeper back to accommodate a 40 pin breakout and user extension boards?
I noticed a 1 mm misalignment between the Wio Terminal and the battery extension, both vertically and horizontally.
I’ve just read the warning about the Wio Terminal Battery Chassis.
The charge current will up to 1.5A, which may reduce battery life or cause other issues.
We are optimizing the design of the new version (the estimated release date is unavailable yet), and we recommend the new version if you are a beginner.
*Please contact us for tech support or exchange if you meet any problem during the usage of this version.
It would be nice to have the ability to turn off the yellow and red LEDs through code, if that’s not already possible. Unfortunately this battery is not very useful over the long term if you can’t reduce the amount of power for projects that require lower power.
The second version of the battery chassis is great with the built-in power management.
The LoRa chassis will turn the Wio Terminal into a hub, collecting and processing data from node through LoRa, and pushing aggregated summary to the web.
Finally, the I²S chassis will offer an introduction to audio management. Maybe a talkie-walkie?
The battery chassis is super! I have an idea to make it better usable together with wio terminal: If there is an application installed on wio terminal which is not running 24 hours a day, but only sometimes if user wants see something and maybe work with the application for some seconds or minutes, then the battery button on the chassis can be switched off for longer times. But for switching battery power on and off, some tool like a pen is needed to do that. Now my idea: if wio terminal recognizes that battery pack is connected, battery could be switched off and on when wio terminal slide button is switched off or on.
We would like to purchase some Wio Terminal Battery Chassis, but it seems that it is out of stock on all websites. Do you plan to produce it soon?