How to install jetpack 5.0.2 into Jetson Xavier NX

I have a Jetson SUB Mini PC-Blue with Jetson Xavier NX , and trying to install jetpack5.0.2 since ROS2 does not support ubuntu18.04.
I install jetpack5.0.2 to nvme( formatted to Ext4) using sdk manager but it say default IP is not available.

Here is the way I’ve tried

  1. Install jetpack5.0.2(only jetson linux) into emmc ---------------------work

  2. Install jetpack5.0.2(jetson linux + SDK component) into emmc ---------------------work

  3. Install jetpack5.0.2(Only jetson linux) into Nvme---------------------Not work, lsusb shows 0955:7e19 NVidia Corp even after unplugging the jumper

  4. install jetpack5.0.2 (jetson linux + SDK component) into nvme(ssd formatted to Ext4)-----------------------Not work, default IP is not available.

  5. install jetpack4.6.2(jetson linux + SDK component) into nvme(ssd formatted to Ext4)-----------------------Work

  6. Install jetpack5.0.2(jetson linux) into emmc(work), and set boot option as same as reference video. After that, install jetpack5.0.2(jetson linux + SDK component) into nvme ------------------------------Not work,lsusb shows 0955:7e19 NVidia Corp even after unplugging the jumper

I have referenced the below information

SDK Manager thinks two Jetson Xavier NX connected, but only one is - can’t flash board - #19 by Citric

There should be no need to enter an IP during the installation of the system, did you choose the mode shown in the picture?

I sussesufully install jetpack5.0.2, and here is what I do.

Step1.Install jetson os into nvme

Step2. Install jetson os into emmc

Step3. set boot order make ssd first

Step4. install sdk component to nvme

I assum there have two way we can expand the disk(correct me if I’m wrong)

  1. Native boot from SSD(kernal and roofs are in the SSD instead of emmc)

  2. This mounts the root filesystem to external memory, but we still need to use the emmc in order to boot the device

You are not wrong in your understanding. But the steps in step 1 and step 2 need to be swapped. The system should need to be flashed to EMMc first and then to SSD.(or of course directly to SSD)

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