I’m trying to use XIAO as a portable precise pulse generator. I managed to get PWM configured and adjustable using potentiometers like in this sweeet video and now I need to add a screen.
I hope it’s not inappropriate to link to my post on the Arduino forum where I’m crying about not being able to get a Makerfocus (ST7789) 240x240 display working because I’m new and still working out where to ask who about what.
Either I damaged this screen, there’s some multiplexing issue, or it’s just me getting in my own way again. I’m not convinced it’s a conflict yet because I can’t even get the screen working by itself using the SDA/SCL or SCK/MOSI constructor for the Atafruit library.
There is no level shifter involved at this time since it’s all 3.3v. I need to eventually drive 5V but that’s later on.
I’m really liking D21 but the XIAO seemes more nuanced and maybe boutique. I’m looking for my people. Are you them?