Hello community, I have been working with the XIAO SAMD21 device for about a year. I use the Arduino IDE to program. While working on a program to fade an LED and to display the PWM duty cycle on an I2C OLED SSD1306 display, my device was no longer recognized by Windows 11. I have the proper url in the IDE preferences and installed XIAO board from board manager. Like I said, it was working. But find it hard to believe my simple program crashed or “bricked” this board. Any suggestions on how to get Windows to recognize this board again?
Thx JeffXIAO
Have you read the Enter Bootloader Mode section of the following link?
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Hi msfujino,
Thanks for the link. I was reading up on this topic more and now have a better understanding of ensuring bootload mode. I will be purchasing XIAO Expansion board and getting a STlink V2 module.
Thanks again for your great support.
I think these two links will be helpful.
‘How to unbrick a dead XIAO using a XIAO(DAPLink) and OpenOCD’
‘How to unbrick a dead XIAO using ST-LINK and OpenOCD’