XIAO ESP32C - Selected serial port does not exist or you board is not connected

Hello, I purchased two XIAO ESP32C3 boards and the grove breakout board with oled. I continue to recieve this error when attempting to upload a simple sketch… both boards have the same error.

A serial exception error occurred: Write timeout
Note: This error originates from pySerial. It is likely not a problem with esptool, but with the hardware connection or drivers.
For troubleshooting steps visit: Troubleshooting - ESP32 - — esptool.py latest documentation
the selected serial port does not exist or your board is not connected

I have:
Updated all port software and board libraries.
Purchased a new USB data cable
Tried different versions of the Arduino IDE
Used different usb ports.

Arduino: 1.8.19 (Windows 10), Board: “XIAO_ESP32C3, Enabled, Default 4MB with spiffs (1.2MB APP/1.5MB SPIFFS), 160MHz (WiFi), QIO, 80MHz, 4MB (32Mb), 921600, None, Disabled”

Any help is very much appreciated.