Xiao ESP32-C3 and ESP32-S3 deep sleep current high

I think the low battery voltage is causing the built-in 3.3V regulator to consume more current.
I tried it with C3 and it was about 50uA when 3.8V was applied from the battery pad and 80uA when 3.3V or lower. With S3 10uA and 300uA.

Please also refer to the following links.

Although not related to sleep current, note the following when using C3 and S3.

  1. It is dangerous to supply power from USB-C while a non-LiPo battery is connected to the battery pad.
  2. At least 3.3V is required from the battery batts, as it passes through a regulator.
  3. When powering from the 3V3 pin, the minimum operating voltage of 3.0V or higher is required for C3 and S3.
  4. When using a radio, a battery capable of supplying a peak current of more than 200mA is required.