XIAO BLE Sense in deep sleep mode

Hi !
Thank you for your advice.
My project uses a bare nRF52840 chip (there is no spi flash on the board and there is no microphone and there is no sense module).
But the current in sleep mode is still 8 µA.

Here are a couple my of tests and current results following NRF52 simple code for shutdown:

// Basic_Shutdown_20230522_01.ino
// 3.2 volts on 3V3 to GND
// current 21.2 uA during Delay
// current 18.0 uA after Delay
void setup()
void loop()

// Basic_Shutdown_20230522_02.ino
// 3.2 volts on 3V3 to GND
// current 4.4 uA during Delay.
// Current 1.1 uA after Delay
#include <bluefruit.h>
#include <Adafruit_FlashTransport.h>
void setup()
Adafruit_FlashTransport_QSPI flashTransport;
void loop()


Thank you very much!
I 'll check it tonight !

AdamM68, Gordy7 !

Thank you very much for your help !
Everything worked out, the current is less than 1 µA!

When I run this, I get 733.77uA during the delay and 731.69uA After. Any Idea what I might be missing? Nothing else is attached.

I am not familiar with the Data Logger you are using.
I used a DMM on the uA range connected between the 3.2v battery and the 3V3 terminal on the XIAO nRF.
I was careful to make sure that the USB connection to the XIAO was removed.

Some questions regarding your set up but not sure if these will help:

  1. You have applied 4.097V but Gordy7 only applied 3.2V
  2. Gordy7 applied the voltage across 3V3 and GND pins

The Xiao board can only accept voltage > 3.6V at the battery pins, if you apply 4.097V at 3V3 pin you will be stressing your board.

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Has anyone checked this issue ? :

  • how do You connect xiao for making measurements ?
    Maybe there is an issue when You power the xiao board via different paths
    1: USB port with 5v
    2: battery port with 3,6 - 4,2 v
    3: 3v3 pin

(this is for whoevery wants to do internal RTC wakeup with out external interrupt)

So i have read the whole thread and tried everything, and i can tell that these 2 functions are totally useless and they probably are the default power mode for the chip , and the wait function is the same as using delay(***) whatever number , so if you need a program to wake up internally every couple of seconds , just use delay() in loop and You are all set.

sd_app_evt_wait(); // puts the nrf52 to sleep when there is nothing to do

Small note: the turning off external flash code saves around 18micro amps :ok_hand:

BTW, as a first step to low power, I want to use the demo provided by seeedstudio : Power Consumption Verification. I opened deep_sleep.ino in arduino IDE (1.8.18). I can’t compile it:

low_power:81:12: error: 'class Adafruit_SPIFlash' has no member named 'deepPowerDown'
   81 |   if(flash.deepPowerDown() == false){
      |            ^~~~~~~~~~~~~

Any tip?

Better to use the 3V3 pin for lowest power consumption.

Seems like powering through the battery adds ~2uA (guessing quiescent from the 3V3 LDO, no part number given in schematics).

Powering through the USB-C port adds an additional 750uA, due to the active supply current of the BQ25100 Lipo Battery Charger IC.

This sounds like a good idea, I’m also struggling with trying to setup a sleep and wake feature using a XIAO and SAMD.

Hi there,
and Welcome, Lots of solutions to that problem here,

For the lowest power use the non-mbed BSP(board support Package) i.e. 1.1.1 or current 1.1.8
as opposed to the Embed version, that has slightly higher power draw ver, 2.9.0 or 2.9.2
GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

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@PJ_Glasso @AdamM68 @Citric @fe7565 @devmonkey @daCoder
I would love to connect with you people on linkedin my id linkedin/in/swapnil-surule

Friends i struggling from week to implement reset functionality via RTC
i am able to achieve deepsleep mode but cant wake it up with RTC,
with sd_app_evt_wait() i am unable to go in sleep following is my snipet please suggest header file and library

#include <nrf52840.h>
#include “Wire.h”
#include <bluefruit.h>
#include <Arduino.h>

// Function to configure RTC to generate interrupts at regular intervals

void configureRTC(unsigned long seconds) {

NRF_RTC2->TASKS_STOP = 1; // Stop RTC2

NRF_RTC2->TASKS_CLEAR = 1; // Clear RTC2

NRF_RTC2->PRESCALER = 327; // 32.768 kHz clock, 1 tick per millisecond

NRF_RTC2->CC[0] = seconds * 1000; // Set compare value (in milliseconds)

NRF_RTC2->EVTENSET = RTC_EVTENSET_COMPARE0_Msk; // Enable compare event

NRF_RTC2->INTENSET = RTC_INTENSET_COMPARE0_Msk; // Enable compare interrupt

NVIC_EnableIRQ(RTC2_IRQn); // Enable RTC2 interrupt

NRF_RTC2->TASKS_START = 1; // Start RTC2


// Interrupt handler for RTC wake-up

extern “C” void RTC2_IRQHandler() {


NRF_RTC2->EVENTS_COMPARE[0] = 0;  // Clear the event



void setup() {



configureRTC(10); // Configure RTC to trigger an interrupt every 5 seconds


void loop() {

Serial.println(“Wake up…”);










Did achieved any of system on sleep with claimed power ? if yes can you pls share the snipet… i am ok with even 3uA with RTC wakeup?

BRO how can we get system on sleep with shuch low power , even my snipet is drawinding approx 1mA
i am using softdevice and sd_app_evt_wait(); and also _WFI , _WFE, SEV, my QSPI is off and DCDCEN . i can afford max 5uA un System on Sleep

I’m not sure …but does Xiao nRF52840 has RTC ?

Gemini says :
The Xiao nRF52840 itself doesn’t have a built-in Real-Time Clock (RTC). However, you can add an external RTC module like the PCF8563T to provide this functionality. 1 This module communicates with the Xiao via I2C, allowing you to keep track of time even when the board is powered off.


  1. Seeed XIAO Expansion board | The Pi Hut
    ](Seeed XIAO Expansion board | The Pi Hut)

Ikona źródła

HI Swapnil_Surule,
According to the datasheet “5.3.3 System OFF mode”, XIAO_nRF52840 cannot be waken up from System OFF mode DeepSleep) using RTC.
To wake up XIAO_nRF52840 with RTC, System On mode(LightSleep) must be used.

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do You have a link to this datasheet ?

It can be found in the Resourece section at the bottom of the Wuiki link below.

Getting Started with Seeed Studio XIAO nRF52840 Series | Seeed Studio Wiki