Wio-Tetris (ardupy)

Game Tetris (written in ardupy) for the wio terminal for free:


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Nice! How to turn on the sound?

…it has no Sound :frowning: With Button B you can change beginner-/profi-Mode. Button A: End of run

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Update Tetris (Version 1.2): With Button C you can change the Game-Level (0…2). With Button B you can start/stop the game. In stop-mode you can move-down the brick with the “Down-Button” (beginner-mode). Button A: End of run

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Hi @ardu1,

I have tried the game and it’s really fun! Good job!

You could maybe write up a project tutorial on hackster.io or instructables.com or any other platform of your choice. It would greatly benefit the community and more people will be able to try out your game. Thank you.

Best Regards,

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Hi lakshan,

thanks, fine that you like it. Next days i will commend the source-code…

Best Regards


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