Wio Grove Relay and timing


I have this Wio node and Wio Grove relays attached to it. I need to know how I can use these relays on action based on time? Time is the trigger like every day at 07:00am these relays to come on and also shut off at 10:00am. I could not find any platform where I can use Wio Grove relays. Are there any?

Hi there~

please refer to below link. Hope it can help. thanks.

<URL url="https://forum7.seeedstudio.com/t/itfff/6866/1]<LINK_TEXT text=“viewtopic.php?f=18&t=32226&p=54379&hilit=IFTTT#p54686”>https://forum7.seeedstudio.com/t/itfff/6866/1]