Wio-E5 Development Kit can not be recognized by my laptop and Arduino

I connected LoRa Wio-E5 Development Kit to my laptop but it doesn’t show up on any port of my laptop, and there is no any new com/port showing up on Arduino IDE.

Can someone here help me on this?

Thanks in advance!

Hi there, Snowhite716…
I would check the Type of USB cable , sounds like a power only cable maybe ?
Does the laptop or windows make a sound like a thumb drive is plugged in?
Try another USB or even a Thumb drive and see if it’s a port , Driver or OS issue.
You can check those items via “Zadig” app see what versions your driver are.
Any LED’s on the Dev Kit?
GL :slight_smile: PJ

Dear PJ,

Thanks a lot for your reply. I found out the cause is that I need to install the driver of the chip CP210.

Best Regards,

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