Where to find ESP32S3 Sense Expansion board schematics/ files

Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows where to find the schematics/brd files for the esp32s3 sense expansion board with the camera/mic


Hi there,

Are you planning on expanding?
Here what I did with it.

GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

We still need a SKU# for the Xiao with the B2B installed. but no one cares… :sleeping:

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Hi PJ, The expansion board looks good, when I was designing the XIAO ESP32S3 before, I didn’t plan more add-ons at the time except for the camera expansion board, and combined with cost considerations, I didn’t pre-solder connectors on the XIAO ESP32S3.

Overall, it’s great to see a perfect fit like yours come along, I’ll keep watching for a while and if the call for connectors is high or more interesting expansion boards come along, I’d be more than willing to push together for Seeed to release a version of the XIAO ESP32S3 with connectors.

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