What is the purpose of the Rainbowduino USB/HOST switch?


I received my Rainbowduino last week and am excited to use it. I intend to connect it via USB to upload sketches, then disconnect USB and use a DC adapter to power the device in another room.

What is the purpose of the USB/HOST switch? If I leave it on “USB” but connect a DC power supply to the on-board 2.1mm barrel connector, will that cause trouble?

Lastly, is the tip on the on-board DC barrel connector positive or negative?

Thank you for any help that you can provide,

hey , if you turn the switch to USB mode, you can program Rainbowduino via USB port. And if you turn the switch to HOST mode , you can use Rainbowduino as a UartSBee.

As for the DC connector , you can find a logo on the back of the Rainbowduino , and you can see the inside of connector (column) is positive , and the outside of connector is negative

Thanks for the reply and helpful information. I already mounted my Rainbowduino in an enclosure, so it was not easy to look at the bottom of the board. :slight_smile:

If I have the switch on “USB mode”, can I connect a DC 6.5-9V power supply to the DC jack without damaging anything, as an alternate power source instead of USB?

Thanks again for your help,