Using RTOS on Xiao nrf52840 ble sense board

I am trying to run RTOS on my Xiao nrf52840 ble sense board. I am not specific to FreeRTOS, just want some real-time schedulers running on the board to schedule my tasks, but I couldn’t find any on the web. Could you please help?

I tried -

  1. GitHub - Seeed-Studio/Seeed_Arduino_FreeRTOS: This library gives an example of how to get FreeRTOS running on Seeed production. The project can be used as a template to build your projects off of as well.
  2. GitHub - feilipu/Arduino_FreeRTOS_Library: A FreeRTOS Library for all Arduino AVR Devices (Uno, Leonardo, Mega, etc)

But, both were not working. The first showed an error that the wrong architecture and only applicable for SAMD chips and the second one’s error shows that it is optimized only for AVR chips.

Thanks in Advance :slight_smile: