Upload custom model to Grove Vision AI Module V2

Is there already any method to upload custom trained model to the Grove Vision AI Module V2?
If not when can it be expected to have this option?

This is the only way I found to upload Edge Impulse (or any tflite) models to Grove Vision AI V2. Let me know if it’s working for you as well.

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Were you able to find any solution for this. Please let me know. Even i am stuck here. I am gettting invoke failed erroe when i am uploading custom models otherwise it is working fine on sense craft platform.

Thanks in advance


It sounds bad.
Unfortunately I have not had time yet to test the proposal above.

(I think the official custom model uploading will work on The Grove Vision AI Module V2 after a while also. It would be good to know when. In principle it works for V1.)

Best regards

Thanks for your promt response, Lets hope it works for the Grove Vision AI Module V2 soon. So custom model thing is working for v1 as of now? Could you please tell me if you tried with Grove Vision AI Module V1 module?

Sorry I’m late.
Currently, this is the only method of model training currently supported by SenseCraft:

Your method works
and this is the only method i found that works with custom models and gets invoked properly

@Future Readers

Please follow this

Thank you so much MatBax

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Thank you MatBax. This method can be used to create custom model for V2.
I have not had time to try out method of Seeed_Seraphina yet.
(It was faster to try MaxBat’s method because I already had Edge Impulse model.)