Unable to configure LoRaWAN after reset SenseCAP M2


I have a SenseCAP M2 Multi-Platform LoRaWAN Gateway(M2-AS923).
At first, I was using this gateway connected to AWS IoT Core.
Then, after executing “Reset to defaults” from the Web UI to connect to other LNS, the LoRaWAN settings do not appear in the Web UI.
The following error message appears when selecting “LoRa” > “LoRa Network” from the Web UI menu.

RPC call to uci/get failed with ubus code 4: Resource not found
  at ClassConstructor.handleCallReply (

How can I get this gateway back to normal?

Current OS Version 0.9.4-5

Thank you

I created a technical support ticket and resolved it.
After restoring the gateway, I connected to the Internet and waited for about 20 minutes.