TLS support Wio LTE Cat M1/NB-IoT Tracker


Here <LINK_TEXT text=“ … T_Tracker/”></LINK_TEXT> is mentioned this is supported: “Embed protocol: TCP/UDP/FTP/HTTP/HTTPS/FTPS/TLS/MQTT/CoAP”. Where can I find info of how to use TLS (https and/or mqtt-s) with the Wio LTE Cat M1/NB-IoT Tracker?



Regarding mqtt-s: I was looking to use secure MQTT (AWS Iot). This appears to NOT have initially been supported in the firmware for the ublox cell module included, but supposedly is possible with a firmware update to the SARA-410M-02B module.

I was having other issues while trying to read subscribed message topics via MQTT also.

The latest firmware was released on May 20, 2019 and is version L0.

Unfortunately, I am still trying to figure out how to update firmware. ublox forum members indicate that ublox support has to provide the files and tool directly, so I have an open request at moment. Fingers crossed.

I’m hoping the firmware update will address the issues I’m having.

Hi there~

You can burn the SARA-R410M firmware through the RST/DIO/CLK/GND/3.3v @ backside of the D38 port. thanks.