I’ve had a few nice runs with my T1000-E card tracker. but it seems to have died.
It won’t turn on, connecting the USB cable doesn’t seem to have an effect.
My computer doesn’t recognise it as a USB device at all, so resetting it or flashing the firmware is impossible.
Yesterday I connected it to a USB charger that probably only gave 4.3V (instead of 5V). it gave a startup beep a few times but then stayed quiet. Over night I charged it with a proper charger at 5V and when I connected it at least, I think I saw 1W flowing to the Card Tracker and after 11 hours, over 3Wh was consumed (with a decent margin of error).
Right now it won’t consume any more than 0.02W.
Rebooting by holding the button and connecting the cable once won’t work.
DFU mode by holding the button and connecting the cable twice won’t work.
Connecting the magnetic cable to my computers doesn’t show a new USB device being connected (for example with USBDeview.exe on windows)
The pins on the back don’t show any voltage.
Anything from the green light?
Have you tried long holding the button? I forget if it is supposed to have extra functions, but 3sec, 5sec, 10 sec?
I know the bootloader also supports button combinations for some functions, I read double click and triple click, but those are supposed to be for things like change loRaWan region and gps on/off.
Sounds like it might have failed though.
No light, no sound, no bluetooth.
Yes, I tried holding the button: per the wiki, bootloader and DFU can be started by holding button while connecting the cable but allas.
Yeah, I can’t think of much else so I fear it has failed after a week of use thanks for thinking along!
I have one I have been flashing multiple times for firmware testing and has not died yet (couple weeks now), so hopefully it’s just a one-off. We’ll have to see how long they last.
maybe if you can t get it to work you can crack it open and do a video for us… everyone wants to see the inside… maybe you can put it inside a vice and squeze it till the case breaks open… i sent a message to tech support os wait a littke befor you do that…I am suspecting maybe the battery has a problem? dont try to open it with a sharp knife because you probably would cut yourself
Hi @dJoris thanks for the feedback, we can definitely work together to fix that issue. can you join the discord server, so that the tech support team can help more efficiently.
Thank you! While I was sleeping I already got contacted by your helpful colleagues via Discord direct messages.
Unfortunately the Seeed Discord requires a verified phone number.
heh, I’m not ready to disassemble such a beautiful water resistant device.
There’s a T1000-A (?) teardown available if you like https://www.youtube.com/shorts/JrR2sUVHxSQ
I’m waiting over the weekend till the fine people from Seeed are back to see what the solution can be, because I think we exhausted all possibilities at my end.
Glad to hear I’m not the only one with the phone number issue, btw!
Solution is now on the wiki: Get Started with T1000-E Tracker | Seeed Studio Wiki
You will need to reflash the bootloader, flash the erase flash file (to clear the flash) then flash the meshtastic file.
Also, for newer firmware the DFU mode is not the double click anymore, but hold the button and the connect USB and the disconnect and reconnect it and then release the button. Just rock the connector off to the side and then let the magnet snap it back on. The Part 2 video on the page shows the steps at 112 seconds (1:52) SenseCAP T1000-E Meshtastic Tracker User Guide - Part 2: Status Indicators of the T1000-E
When I installed the adafruit flasher via pip with --user as in the instruction, it didn’t work. I think there was a path error so I reinstalled it without the user from a windows admin cmd/terminal and it worked then.
Anyone find a cause for this? Ive had 2 devices do this. Sent one back and got a replacement. A week later the same issue happens while charging overnight it seems. I dont know if i can fix it due to my lack of knowledge, i will try before send back and just using another device entirely.
tl,dr; an alternative solution was letting the battery drain so far it will force the device to go fully off.
I hate it when someone posts an issue and not the resolution, so consider this my long due follow-up
The kind folks at Seeedstudio couldn’t fix the issue at the time (after extensive remote debugging) so they opened my T1000 to diagnose and create the solution you can now find in the wiki.
One of my other trackers had the similar issue after trying to charge with a shitty solar panel. I let it drain the battery for a few weeks and it came back to life. Flashed the current firmware and it works with my old settings
in both cases I had connected an almost empty device to an unreliable power source. With the second device, I had connected it to a tiny, poorly regulated USB solar panel. I did hear it boot up twice, so my assumption is undervoltage during boot made it crash inside the bootloader, which also made it impossible to do anything with the button