Stop charging Xiao BLE Sense

In order to add safety in my circuit, I am capturing the temperature and want to stop charging the battery when temperature is higher than 50 degrees.
Is it possible to stop charging the battery programatically ? (the only thing I have seen is to change between 50 to 100mA)

i think the charging circuit is dumb… meaning it is not connected to any chip logic, where did you see you could change the charging rate?

Hello @cgwaltney , this is from the getting started page : Getting Started with XIAO nRF52840 | Seeed Studio Wiki

The battery charging current is selectable as 50mA or 100mA, where you can set Pin13 as high or low to change it to 50mA or 100mA. The low current charging current is at the input model set up as HIGH LEVEL and the high current charging current is at the output model set up as LOW LEVEL.

Low Charging Current

void setup(){pinMode (P0_13, OUTPUT);}void loop() {digitalWrite(P0_13, HIGH);}

High Charging Current

void setup(){pinMode (P0_13, OUTPUT);}void loop() {digitalWrite(P0_13, LOW);}

AWESOME! thanks for the info… i am waiting for delivery of my XIAO nRF… i have all the other ones… each one is a little different

Hi there,
The Nrf is the only Xiao AFAIK that has it switchable charge currents, the others I believe it’s fixed. ESP’s
However NO-WAY I know of stopping the charger function. and BTW most Good LIPO’s have OVER and temp compensation built it? ie. battery pack BMS won’t let it Charge if the TEMP is too high. YMMV
GL :slight_smile: PJ

Lots of great threads on it by msfujino, power Ninja :ninja: hit the search button for sure. :v:

I just found out about this logic control…blew my mind… seeed needs t look into this while developing the power for future XIAO boards!