SPI Flashing on ESP32S3 Xiao


I’m currently trying out SPI Flashing for ESP32-S3 board and was wondering if I could do the same on ESP32-S3 Sense boards? (I have a couple of xiao boards (ESP32S3) and was thinking if I could flash them through one board via SPI without having to use USB or OTA.

Hi there, and Welcome here
so from the IDF info I see this?
“Different from the API before ESP-IDF v4.0, the functionality of esp_flash_* APIs is not limited to the “main” SPI flash chip (the same SPI flash chip from which program runs). With different chip pointers, you can access external flash chips connected to not only SPI0/1 but also other SPI buses like SPI2.”

from this link, I wouldn’t think with Xiao that it’s possible , but you may try and see if it works
SPI Flash API - ESP32-S3 - — ESP-IDF Programming Guide v5.2.2 documentation.

GL :slight_smile: PJ

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Hi PJ,

thanks for the tips.

Yeah I am following that for reference at the moment, just wanted to see if anybody else have tried to do it.

On the side note, do you know any reference or examples I can follow and study for SPI communication between two Xiao ESP32S3 Sense (one acting as master, the other as slave?)
Maybe I’m not using the right keywords to find this. Hope you can assist :slight_smile:


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Hi there,
sure I do, the one cqwaltney is a great starting point, more of the same would be these guys

also from just a stright Arduino ide,
this one:

for an indepth discusion from the horses fence.

GL :slight_smile: PJ

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that reminds me … didnt you add the flash memory to the XIAO grove expansion board

indeed I did.

before it was cleaned…
:smile: :pinched_fingers:

video of tests…

GL :slight_smile: PJ

FWIW , I added the extra flash to all my boards. (5)

in a nutshell what does it do for you?

More flash memory , no need for SLOW-A$$ SD card for data points.
It is GREAT for the lacking ESP32C3 low onboard flash size.
but is nice enhancement for IMU data for Sense chip. , which pours in so setting buffers for external flash buys more points more room for config data as well.
Memory is a commodity on these MCU’s more is Better.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

and I thinks it was .29 cents a chip? :money_mouth_face:
Used HOT-AIR to place it, like those on Discord full of it… LOL :grinning: :smile: :grin:

Thanks! Those were helpful.