Six Games using Seeed Xiao RP2040, CircuitPython and Neopixel Arrays

The workshop I am offering at Sesc São Paulo is still ongoing. Over the past three weeks, we’ve learned how to handle neopixel matrices and also taken a look at the customizations that have been made to render the screen into the shape we need for the console. In our last class, we studied a series of auxiliary functions, for collision detection by color, by coordinates and we also learned how to use the analog joystick.

I’m using the Seeed Xiao RP2040, with the Groove expansion board and two Neopixel LED matrices, measuring 32x8, creating a 16x32 screen.

In the next classes we will work with six different games, gradually advancing in complexity. They will be: Snake, Maze, Arkanoid, Tetris, Space Invaders and Enduro Racer.

The workshop repository has the source code for all of them and can be tested at will by anyone. I believe that with few changes, the same codes can run on other panels with RGB LEDs.