Whose products you like most?
- squeck94
- op2op2op2
- shaorei
0 voters
We all have many toys when we were young, but do you have open source hardware products? Nowadays, it’s time to show it! Show your earliest open source hardware products to us, let’s see how oldest products you have!
- Post pictures AS YOU WISH.
- During Dec 1 to Dec 14, displaying time.
- During Dec 15 to Dec 19, vote for those participators whose products are most favourite by us.
Rewards: Seeeduino V4 and Base Shield V2.02 (All rewards will be sent after the mission is finished)
Seeeduino V4 is not on sale now, you will be the first one to get it.
Base Shield v2.02 [Collector’s Edition], we add a voltage judgement circuit on this version of Base shield, and the voltage of Vcc will be depended on the volts of IOREF. So if you plug it onto the Arduino, the Vcc would be 5v; and if you plug it onto Arch board(Mbed platform), the Vcc would be 3.3v. Except that, different volts of Vcc will be corresponding to different led directors. And this version of Base shield is not for sale!
Just Show It.