Should Circuit Python firmware and libraries work the same for XIAO BLE and XIAO BLE Sense

Should the Circuit Python firmware and libraries work the same: XIAO BLE and XIAO BLE Sense.
Obviously, the added features on the BLE Sense are not on the BLE (plain).
I found one sensor, VEML6075 which works on the XIAO BLE Sense but does not work with the XIAO BLE (plain).
I updated the firmware and libraries to the latest as of 07/19/2022:
I am using CircuitPython Library: adafruit-circuitpython-bundle-7.x-mpy-20220713
And firmware: adafruit-circuitpython-Seeed_XIAO_nRF52840_Sense-en_US-7.3.1.uf2
When executing the Mu CircuitPython code with the VEML6075, the BLE Sense works fine. However, the BLE (plain) produces the following error: {MU editor provides an error: “no such device”}