SenseCAP M2 - Cannot connect to TTN / T1000-A GPS

Followed the guide:

And was unable to connect to TTN. Gateway shows online in SenseCraft, but I have no devices to verify that…
…except that I bought two T1000-A trackers so I unpacked one and set it up. No connection until I changed “LoRaWAN Network Settings” on the M2 to “SenseCAP”, which is not one of the 2 ways to connect to the TTN according to that same guide (Packet Forwarder and Basic Station)

So the T1000-A and M2 appear to work… well at least connect, I have yet to get any data from it. The GPS coordinates it spits out on SenseCraft are the fuzzy ones (neighborhood) I set for my Gateway. I know it kinda works because it’s not showing China anymore.

The original plan is to use the T1000-A as an emergency button and improve the use of a full gateway by adding environmental sensors around. SenseCraft doesn’t seem to allow 3rd party devices (surprising for a hardware hacking group, someone please prove me wrong) so I figured TTN would be the way to go.

I tried looking for help in the discord channel but the best I got was a “well it worked for me” response, I’m hoping this is where the real community is.

Anyways, it’s dinner time, cats are fed, incidentally, Micetto’s offering to pose for pictures if it helps.

I just set the T1000-A some 50m (ish, maybe closer to 40) away, hit the “Play Sound” button on the app and heard it, so that part works.

Did not know my 2.4 Wifi extended that far and I fear since I had it set to WiFi/GPS/Lora that it picked up the WiFi, same I used to connect the M2 Gateway. Since I don’t know if those setting changes how it reports, I might reset it to just GPS if I go back out.

Still says “No available data” though.

[edit: just reset it to GPS+Bluetooth since eventually I would like to use iBeacons]

i have never got my to give location… one day i thought i was getting tracking… but found out it was using the gps on my pl
hone… it is designed to locate via wifi that it “Hears” i think that is one reason that you dont get anything from home… also the noise may beve been via bluethooth from your phone

SenseCAP T1000-A product description page:

States: It’s equipped with GPS, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi for seamless indoor and outdoor positioning.

Now you do mention other RF noise. It’s near the end of my rather large but not excessively so back yard equal distance to all my neighbors in a semi-rural area… But also right next to our local grocery shop (which is where I based my neighborhood GPS coordinates).
My neighbors, checking with my phone, only have 1 WiFi network each (with disappointingly boring generic ISP issued names).
No telling on Bluetooth but that’s designed to operate with high interference and again I’m in a semi-rural area, so like WiFi, I don’t think it’s an issue.
Now the store next door, it’s a chain and having worked retail I know there’s no telling how many wireless networks they run and of what type they run (short of running my SDR), but it’s small, probably ~50 employees total, but they do have those fancy new e-paper price tags so there’s that.
I’ll take a look with my SDR see what I’m dealing with on that front.
GPS should be rather more difficult to interfere with, seeing as it’s outdoor, in a semi-rural environment.

I would imagine in a congested environment like New York, WiFi might be tricky, but I don’t hear them complain about Bluetooth and straight GPS works in Central Park (yes, I know most modern GPS triangulate with cell tower and other beacons too which this device does not do… except for WiFi signals, BLE beacons and LoRaWAN).

However, my T1000-A, having spend the night outdoors, still appears to be connected. It shows having pinged the same 2 MAC Address (sometimes 4) since I set it up.

Can we agree that random MAC Addresses aren’t as useful as actual network names to assess location?

So, T1000-A is connected, it has GPS+Bluetooth enabled.
In the SenseCraft app, where it says “Online” in green, I click on it and it shows me “Wi-FI/BLE” with a whole list of recent connected MAC Addresses (~1 min interval). If I check on “GPS Location” it shows the generic GPS coordinates of the M2 Gateway and on the bottom, having hit “refresh” a few times now, shows T1000-A name and “No available data”

I get a connection from my T100-A but no data.

I think I’ll start a new topic on the T100-A as the M2 seems to work, albeit not with TTN.

Just checked on TNN and my M2 Gateway, while working for T1000-A, still shows disconnected.
I had to change “LoRaWAN Network Settings” to “SenseCAP” to get to work with T1000-A but the goal is to use TNN since I assume it’s one of the few ways I can get different manufacturers to work together.

thanks for the write up… it definatly takes a village… i have the T-1000-E on meshtastic and the T1100

I know the t1100 uses a chip that has a funky low power GPS… it has to communicate with the cloud to have the gps data decoded… im pretty sure something doesnt work with it… because i get no gps data on the dashboard

Beyond just location tracking, it observes parameters like temperature, brightness, and movement.”

I’m not getting any data off it.

I understand the need for a low power GPS in such a small device but outdoor, 40+ meters away from any building/tree?

I’m going to go back to trying to get the M2 gateway on TNN and try to add the T1000-A manually from there.

Granted I’m new to LoRa but I’ve never had so much trouble with networks before. Starting to feel disappointment in Seeed Studios.

@ Mr_Simon
If I set the M2 Gateway to anything other than the SenseCAP setting, the T1000-A won’t connect.

I’ve followed the guide and used the TNN recommended settings when ever there was room for doubt. Since it wasn’t working, I reset it to the SenseCAP setting. I plan on playing with those TNN settings still but got distracted these last few days.

BTW your link is to WhatsApp groups that have nothing to do with LoRa, granted UAE and Europe use the same frequencies.

As for the rest.

T1000-A spend the last 3 nights outdoors on a stomp out in my yard. Everyday it read as online yet no data was gathered. We got some heavy rain yesterday afternoon but I decided not to be worried since the device was marketed for the outdoor market. This morning it read as off-line, so I recovered it, wiped the water off it and pressed the button for 3 seconds before hearing a chime. Checked SenseCraft and it appears online again, sending back WiFi MAC Address lists, but no sensor data.

I’m surprised and disappointed that getting wet was enough to turn it off, especially since it works just as badly as before, so I cannot assume water damage.

The only positive point for the T1000-A is that it’s only lost 8% battery life, which is the only thing it manages to do that meets my expectations. Useless device sips power.

Frankly I’m very disappointed that Seeed Studios promotes a Discord server and this Forum for help but doesn’t actually show up to support their products. After a month of waiting, which is what prompted my M2 Gateway purchase, my first choice showed up, so now I have another Gateway to setup and test.

be careful… the firmware update scam… they try to get you to input your wallet after a supposed update

Thanks, hasn’t been an issue yet but I can already seen how that might be an issue.