If your XIAO is SAMD21, have you tried “double reset”?
Yes and No… i dont know what double reset is, can you explain
See “Enter bootloader mode”
wow thanks, but what is odd, is i had two which were bricked… one bricked a while ago and i assumend it got static shock and threw it in the coin jar… the second bricked and i write the post about
i short the newist and it didnt work so i tried the one from digging out the coin jar and wow it works
so i started with two and now have one, both have green on power and no usb but the second one did go to green and connect after shorting out… any other sudgestions?
interesting, it also appears if you have the xiao expansion board you can double click the reset button to achieve the same result… but it seems this didnot help my one bricked unit
Try the links below.
yes thank you i was looking at the raspberrypi version and i have a zero, but it has no pins souldered so i was wondering if the expansion board and an ftdi or other arduino could do the job… if you are with seeed can you see if this makes its way to the wiki
thanks again for your help… i will probably start on implementation tomarow
ok thanks for help
i was unable to understand the path for the flask.bat
i think part of the problem is microsoft onedrive messes with file structure
i find the example to drag and drop the simple_daplink_xiao.uf2
to the daplink xiao via double click reset method as described
this worked and i get the double blue led as someone else said
i have the setup to xiao expansion board and green light on bricked
how to make it work?
i assumed from prior experience that blue led means serial monitor so i tried to use arduino serial monitor to see activity but no luck
can you explain how to send the data? make work from this point?
ok wow i just got it to work i figgured the path problem for flash.bat but was getting unable to detect message
after the drag and drop i could detect and run flash.bat
flash.bat worked successfully
awesome thanks for help
if you get a chance to add to wiki and more discription of whst the path info is for editing
i dont like microsoft onedrive but have to live with it
also can you optionally connect to ground and 3.3 or at the servo 8 pin block on expansion board?
avoid having to connect to vcc and gnd adjacent to chip?
i would assume these pins are the same?
thanks to you i have 2 working boards now!
Hi ReptillonEP,
Since “blink” worked, I guess that means XIAO is not broken.
I have a few questions.
Which pins is a charger connected to?
Are a charger and USB cable connected at the same time?
Which pins is a Neopixel connected to?
Please answer with the pin name in the pinout diagram in the link below
- By charger I mean connected through the USB-C input.
- I have tried connecting the Neopixel to pins D10, D0, and D3.
- The Neopixel is being powered through the XIAO’s ground pin and 3.3v pin (the pins near to D10).
XIAO’s 3.3V pin can only supply about 200mA, can Neopixel be used with less than 200mA?
It ran the strip when programming, but when I plugged in the strip to wall power, it no longer lit up, both when plugged into the wall and when plugged into my computer again.
How many LEDs are mounted on the strip?
However, I believe the issue does not lie with the LED’s, as the issue did not start until I plugged the XIAO via USB-C into a phone charging travel adapter that outputs 5 V and max 700mA.
What is the power supply when it was working properly?
XIAO’s 3.3V terminal can only supply 200mA to the strip, which is totally insufficient for 192 LEDs.
All the details I know of the power supply are in the previous reply, and all the LED’s were lit at 1/3 brightness (which I set via code) when wired through the XIAO’s 3.3V terminal. I am more wondering if there is an issue with XIAO’s chip when dealing with 50 Hz vs 60 Hz. That was the only difference when changing from a USB-C connection from my laptop to a USB-C connection from the power supply.
XIAO is supplied with DC power either from a laptop or from a power supply, so 50/60 Hz is not a concern.
Just to confirm.
Whether powered from a laptop or from a power supply
XIAO is powered by USB-C ?
The strip is connected to the 3.3V terminal of XIAO ? -
With power supplied from a laptop and LEDs on a strip “ON”, is the voltage at the 3.3V terminal of XIAO dropping?
Is it written in the sketch?
If you could show the connection diagram and sketch I might notice something.
- Yes, the XIAO is powered via the USB-C input port whether via the computer or the power supply.
- Sadly I cannot check the voltage of the terminal with the LED’s on anymore, as they do not turn on. However, checking now when they are coded to be on, there is no noticeable draw or drop (just minor noise due to my shaky hands).
Above is all of my code, with no serial communication.
(Second reply with my wiring diagram)
Your code did not work at all.
Please try the code below. I have confirmed that it works with 4 LEDs strip.
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#define PIN 10
//Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels=(192, PIN, NEO_RGB + NEO_KHZ800);
Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels(4, PIN, NEO_RGB + NEO_KHZ800);
void setup() {
void loop() {
The 4 LEDs strip I tested consumed about 10mA per LED at “setBrightness(100)”. From this I infer that your 192 LEDs strip requires nearly 2A.
XIAO’s 3.3V pin is only capable of supplying 200mA. Therefore, if 2A is required, the output voltage will drop and XIAO will not work.
If you want to use a 192 LEDs strip with a 700mA phone charger, connect a strip to a 5V pin, not a 3.3V pin of a XIAO. Normally you need a level shifter between pin 10 and Din, but if you are lucky it may work without a level shifter.