Seeeduino XIao Ble nrf 52840 sense OTA update

There is any example available which can implement ble ota update in xiao ble ?

Hi there,
SO , I’m pretty sure it’s not supported in the current Arduino IDE, However I have seen some posts on it with the IDF or the NrfSDK.
along with loading different firmwares from on-board flash and Jump to one of those, with OTA.
Jimmy Wong, site has a tutorial but it’s NOT arduino. either ESP IDF or Nrf-SDK. so more learning Hills ahead :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
You are ahead of me on that. But I’ll get there soon. :yum: :crossed_fingers:
GL :slight_smile: PJ

I found this post

I think he change the bootloader. But he did not share any arduino code

i flashed it but only led is fedding nothing else happened