Anyone able to do an OTA (Over the Air) firmware (DFU) update with the XIAO 52840 BLE?

I believe if using the Adafruit bootloader you can only use unsigned / unsecure DFU and only able to use the Adafruit BLE app. For secure DFU you need a pm key. Any guidance on this?

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I finally was able to do that.
I am pretty sure it’s a bug in the bootloader. I modified slightly the Adafruit Feather Express one and was able to achieve the ability to upload a new version of the firmware.
I will be writing an article on Medium and make a PR on the Adafruit bootloader repo.

PR link: Add support for XIAO BLE Sense boards by aovestdipaperino · Pull Request #291 · adafruit/Adafruit_nRF52_Bootloader · GitHub

Link to Xiao BLE board firmware.
Link to Xiao BLE Sense board firmware.

Source code

Medium article with all explanations

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Were you able to use a secure image? Or was it unsigned? And did you do it via the Adafruit BLE app or NRF Connect. Testing out the latest Adafruit NRF52 bootloader. It looks like your PR was merged, but am having issues with NRF Connect.


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