Seeed Studio XIAO nRF52840 Sense


I ask again the support of this amazing community. I would like to create the PCB of my Seeed Studio XIAO nRF52840 Sense-based device, and I am using EAGLE.
I was looking for the library of the chip, and I found the library on the website: “Getting Started with XIAO nRF52840 | Seeed Studio Wiki

But then I have to integrate the “LSM6DS3TR-C” IMU into the Eagle schematic, which is embedded in the actual board, but not in the schematic, I suppose? As you can tell, I am new to the PCB creation, I would ask for some guidance abouit.

Also another question. Does the breakout chip exist right? can I buy the entire chip ?

No… but check this out

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Hi there,
It’s a GREAT MCU the Xiao Nrf52840 Sense the internal /onboard IMU is a bonus IMO.
Hop on EASY EDA and open those files from the wiki and some of the threads here, you can easily add it to a custom PCB as I have on several designs. check it here:

GL :slight_smile: PJ

Hello @AndreaScarpellini1 ,
This might be a reply to an old post. But happy to help.
Checkout OTAinfo library.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

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Hello @AndreaScarpellini1 ,
All zipfiles are now replaced with files on their actual locations. Please find RP2040_connect and XAIO_nRF52840_sense on embedded links.


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Hi there, @Akshaykumar_Mehta

So , ONE post about your LIB is Sufficient. NO need to SPAM the boards with it, We see it’s ZIP are posted up on Git hub Looks Good.

GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

Hi @PJ_Glasso ,
Thanks for the suggestion- noted and implemented.

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