Round Display with Xiao Nrf52840 Sense ,TFT_eSPI , LVL Example

HERe it is in Action, This is just a portion of the FULL monty… :wink: :+1:

Notice the NFC tag/Sticker on the top (Black Circle) could be a Xiao also.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

Thanks for the example! GJ there.

(And also good to see you’re also a photography enjoyer :wink:)

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i was wondering when you told me in the past you were working on a camera lens… i think at the time we were talking about how crappy the S3 camera was… and I thought you were inventing a lens for that… and i was thinking … What Da?.. I dont think that is going anywhere… lol

I’m sorry I’m late! I will be testing as soon as possible based on this feedback.

Hi there,
Something I notice that appears to be a common OVERSITE when using or testing with the
TFT_eSPI lib. The examples include a Diagnostic from the Author that is meant to be run after the edits are made to verify what the LIB recognises as setup.

Do not proceed further if it doesn’t look like it should or if it does NOT run at all , it means you knurled it Up.
You should receive a serial output like this:

TFT_eSPI ver = 2.5.23
Processor    = ESP32
Frequency    = 160MHz
Transactions = Yes
Interface    = SPI
Display driver = 9A01
Display width  = 240
Display height = 240

MOSI    = GPIO 10
MISO    = GPIO 9
SCK     = GPIO 8

TFT_BL           = GPIO 21

Font GLCD   loaded
Font 2      loaded
Font 4      loaded
Font 6      loaded
Font 7      loaded
Font 8      loaded
Smooth font enabled

Display SPI frequency = 40.00

This is the process I use and it get’s me there EVERY Time!
GL :slight_smile: PJ

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yeah i NEVER PROCEED FURTHER… hell i dont even prceed that far!