Round Display with Xiao Nrf52840 Sense ,TFT_eSPI , LVL Example

I know that mbed is a serious deal breaker on code… and i dont know what it is… i would definatly sudgest picking up a few other XIAO modules for testing because sometimes you jus run onto roadblocks on certain hardware… then if you can get it working on one, you know better it is a mbed thing

Sale is still on… load up on some XIAO gear…

Thanks for the suggestion! I mean, the Display works, even for the XIAO BLE - nRF52840, but only when using the non-embed board definition, for which the NFC functionality is not implemented. I want to have both: display and NFC…

Hi there,
I can dig it up and check, and if I recall the need to use the embed BSP its 2.9.0 and the adafruit GFX drivers can’t use the TFT_eSPI. I would take one part at a time. You’ll get there. The NFC stuff is only or mostly NrfSDK from what I know.
The IMU uses the internal I2C bus at address 6A

LSM6DS3 myIMU(I2C_MODE, 0x6A); // IMU

I would try other libraries also.
I will check time permitting and post back my findings
What is the goal here , NFC tag or to config a WIFI ?
GL :slight_smile: PJ

hey PJ… how many engineers do they have over in Seeed HQ?

Hi there,
Pretty sure it’s four, but may be addition consultants. and some jr. eggineers :smile: and Techs.
No idea on turn over though.
Pretty sure based on my experience here, NO title’d Software Engineers though. Mainy Hardware or part time software group or responsibilities by the whole team. IDK , there has never been an official introduction or “this is the TEAM at Seeed”
They and WE would definitely benefit if they had a designated Software Engineering Manager and a couple SE tech’s to “clean up, catch up and make current” the Software Ball of Yarn they have ended up with due to so many products that relay on a solid software foundation. Hence they are lacking obvious by the questions posted Daily on the forum. 80-90% are software related.
They make and procure Great hardware… the other NOT so Much. one example is the Slick demo for the RGB bike Light, Still no official Software or wiki… because it feels like to me Software is not a priority. (tisk, Tisk) Software engineers are EXSPENSIVE and good ones are elusive.
They are getting a taste of that I feel, with the whole AI debacle , so many moving parts to it and NO clear Guide with repeatable and customisable solutions. But the watcher is almost out…LOL
Even the fruit people have a dedicated SE dude that generates there LIB’s and releases test code that works but only and craftly with their own custom hardware, so it’s of little use to General Public only DaFruit hardware fanboys. They are protectionist that way ie. Are not Open Source and build a wall for only their hardware use. just use Bootloader as example.

Nothing new here, (soapbox off) moving ON.
GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

The views expressed are my own. All opinions are my own. The opinions expressed here belong solely to me and do not reflect the views of any company official or it’s actions…

… yes I think they really should do an introduction of everyone and what their roll is… I hate to put too much pressure on my contacts… software support is a def overhead… I would also like to know what their hobbies and education market is… I really think the hobby use would upgrade if they put alittle more attention in this area… I would like to see what their core profit areas are…

Hi there,
It’s a LOAD I know. I’m just putting it out there. Not a complaint but more Captain Obvious.
Eric the CEO even stated the Xiao is there most profitable and Highest sales to date.
makes allot of sense being it was how they got noticed. the footprint and bang for the buck was Gigantic “back in the day” that time has WAY passed.
I say do one or two things extremely well and with passion and you’ll always be profitable, even selling trinkets.
GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

… I hope the dji ban does not effect us… National Defense Authorization Act my A$$…

… but really like the watcher thing… but I am unsure about the ai… that thing is going to need a manual the size of an encyclopedia… I asked about that in the chat and they said don’t worry it will do everything itself… but that sounds very closed

The idea here is being able to use both the Display with touch capabilities and the on-board NFC tag of the nRF52840 (this MCU does not support WiFi).


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well if microsoft can do it why not them… thats why microsoft bought linux

Hi there,
Yes I know it doesn’t have wifi, :face_with_hand_over_mouth: my point is they use NFC often to provision a WIFI connection without giving Creds in plain text. Was one application they touted, as well as just a TAG, as it does NOT read using the NFC, You do know that I’m sure.
Should be doable, but you’ll need the NRF_SDK to do anything like that. The Arduino’s BSP’s almost give you NO choice but too.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

Sure! I wasn’t following you at the moment :wink:

I’m currently playing with the two BSPs available for the nRF52840 boards, let’s see what I manage to get.

Hi there,
I have done it this way. for a locking device as well as BLE device pairing also.
this is the tech involved it’s extremely reliable and requires almost no power with sleep mode being used. I can use a card for access VIA the phones NFC reader.
(insert video) WIP.
Near Field Communication (NFC) tags can be used to configure Wi-Fi so that users can connect to a network without needing to enter a password. This can be useful for allowing guests to connect to Wi-Fi at a home or business without sharing the password.

Here are some steps for using NFC to configure Wi-Fi:

  1. Turn on NFC on your phone
  2. Go to Settings, then Connections, and then Wi-Fi
  3. Long press on the network you want to connect to
  4. Select NFC tag from the menu that appears
  5. Enter the password for the network
  6. Touch your phone to the NFC tag to write the Wi-Fi profile to it
    You can also use an app like NFC Task Launcher to program an NFC tag with your Android device.
    Also works with Google and Alexa.

GL :slight_smile: PJ

HERe it is in Action, This is just a portion of the FULL monty… :wink: :+1:

Notice the NFC tag/Sticker on the top (Black Circle) could be a Xiao also.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

Thanks for the example! GJ there.

(And also good to see you’re also a photography enjoyer :wink:)

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i was wondering when you told me in the past you were working on a camera lens… i think at the time we were talking about how crappy the S3 camera was… and I thought you were inventing a lens for that… and i was thinking … What Da?.. I dont think that is going anywhere… lol

I’m sorry I’m late! I will be testing as soon as possible based on this feedback.

Hi there,
Something I notice that appears to be a common OVERSITE when using or testing with the
TFT_eSPI lib. The examples include a Diagnostic from the Author that is meant to be run after the edits are made to verify what the LIB recognises as setup.

Do not proceed further if it doesn’t look like it should or if it does NOT run at all , it means you knurled it Up.
You should receive a serial output like this:

TFT_eSPI ver = 2.5.23
Processor    = ESP32
Frequency    = 160MHz
Transactions = Yes
Interface    = SPI
Display driver = 9A01
Display width  = 240
Display height = 240

MOSI    = GPIO 10
MISO    = GPIO 9
SCK     = GPIO 8

TFT_BL           = GPIO 21

Font GLCD   loaded
Font 2      loaded
Font 4      loaded
Font 6      loaded
Font 7      loaded
Font 8      loaded
Smooth font enabled

Display SPI frequency = 40.00

This is the process I use and it get’s me there EVERY Time!
GL :slight_smile: PJ

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yeah i NEVER PROCEED FURTHER… hell i dont even prceed that far!