Rockchip rk3568 h68k v2 emmc broken filesystem. is it bricked?

After many try to install Armbian in emmc something broke my emmc.
I use

  1. DriverAssitant_v5.12
  2. H6XK-Boot-Loader.bin
  3. RKDevTool_Release_v2.84
  4. Armbian_community_24.5.0_trunk.389_h68k_desktop.img

RKDevTool log:

00:20:07 799 Layer<3-2>:Download Boot Start
00:20:11 605 Layer<3-2>:Download Boot Success
00:20:11 605 Layer<3-2>:Wait For Maskrom Start
00:20:13 858 Layer<3-2>:Wait For Maskrom Success
00:20:13 872 Layer<3-2>:Test Device Start
00:20:13 908 Layer<3-2>:Test Device Success
00:20:13 953 Layer<3-2>:Get FlashInfo Start
00:20:13 984 <LAYER 3-2> INFO:FlashInfo: 00 70 DB FF 00 04 04 00 28 00 01
00:20:14 015 <LAYER 3-2> INFO:GetFlashInfo-->Emmc storage.
00:20:14 065 Layer<3-2>:Get FlashInfo Success
00:20:14 100 Layer<3-2>:Erase Flash Start
00:24:32 101 Layer<3-2>:Erase Flash Success
00:24:32 109 Layer<3-2>:Reset Device Start
00:24:33 175 Layer<3-2>:Reset Device Success
00:26:00 930 Layer<3-2>:Test Device Start
00:26:00 940 Layer<3-2>:Test Device Success
00:26:00 978 Layer<3-2>: Download 0.bootfs at 0x00000000...
00:26:06 042 Error:RKU_Write-->WriteFile failed,bRet=0,err=995,size=1048576,write=0
00:26:13 053 ERROR:RKU_ResetPipe-->DeviceIoControl failed,err=121
00:26:13 053 ERROR:DownloadImage-->RKU_WriteLBA failed,Written(0),RetCode(0)
00:26:13 104 Layer<3-2>: RunProc is ending, ret=0
00:26:52 991 Error:RKU_Read-->ReadFile failed,bRet=0,err=995,size=13,read=0
00:26:52 991 Error:ResetMaskromProc-->RKU_ResetDevice failed,err=-4
00:27:07 757 Error:RKU_Read-->ReadFile failed,bRet=0,err=995,size=13,read=0
00:27:14 780 ERROR:RKU_ResetPipe-->DeviceIoControl failed,err=121

dmesg log from raspbian boot from sdcard

 949.688186] mmc0: Enabling HPI failed
[  955.280902] I/O error, dev mmcblk0, sector 3848064 op 0x0:(READ) flags 0x80700 phys_seg 1 prio class 2
[  960.873680] I/O error, dev mmcblk0, sector 3848065 op 0x0:(READ) flags 0x80700 phys_seg 1 prio class 2
[  966.466438] I/O error, dev mmcblk0, sector 3848066 op 0x0:(READ) flags 0x80700 phys_seg 1 prio class 2
[  972.059205] I/O error, dev mmcblk0, sector 3848067 op 0x0:(READ) flags 0x80700 phys_seg 1 prio class 2
[  977.652009] I/O error, dev mmcblk0, sector 3848068 op 0x0:(READ) flags 0x80700 phys_seg 1 prio class 2
[  983.244782] I/O error, dev mmcblk0, sector 3848069 op 0x0:(READ) flags 0x80700 phys_seg 1 prio class 2
[  988.837534] I/O error, dev mmcblk0, sector 3848070 op 0x0:(READ) flags 0x80700 phys_seg 1 prio class 2
[  994.430289] I/O error, dev mmcblk0, sector 3848071 op 0x0:(READ) flags 0x80700 phys_seg 1 prio class 2


mmc extcsd read /dev/mmcblk0
  Extended CSD rev 1.5 (MMC 4.41)

Card Supported Command sets [S_CMD_SET: 0x01]
HPI Features [HPI_FEATURE: 0x01]: implementation based on CMD13
Background operations support [BKOPS_SUPPORT: 0x00]
Background operations status [BKOPS_STATUS: 0x00]
1st Initialisation Time after programmed sector [INI_TIMEOUT_AP: 0x00]
Power class for 52MHz, DDR at 3.6V [PWR_CL_DDR_52_360: 0x00]
Power class for 52MHz, DDR at 1.95V [PWR_CL_DDR_52_195: 0x00]
Minimum Performance for 8bit at 52MHz in DDR mode:
 [MIN_PERF_DDR_W_8_52: 0x00]
 [MIN_PERF_DDR_R_8_52: 0x00]
TRIM Multiplier [TRIM_MULT: 0x00]
Secure Feature support [SEC_FEATURE_SUPPORT: 0x15]
Secure Erase Multiplier [SEC_ERASE_MULT: 0x00]
Secure TRIM Multiplier [SEC_TRIM_MULT: 0x00]
Boot Information [BOOT_INFO: 0x01]
 Device supports alternative boot method
Boot partition size [BOOT_SIZE_MULTI: 0x10]
Access size [ACC_SIZE: 0x06]
High-capacity erase unit size [HC_ERASE_GRP_SIZE: 0x01]
 i.e. 512 KiB
High-capacity erase timeout [ERASE_TIMEOUT_MULT: 0x00]
Reliable write sector count [REL_WR_SEC_C: 0x08]
High-capacity W protect group size [HC_WP_GRP_SIZE: 0x01]
 i.e. 512 KiB
Sleep current (VCC) [S_C_VCC: 0x00]
Sleep current (VCCQ) [S_C_VCCQ: 0x00]
Sleep/awake timeout [S_A_TIMEOUT: 0x00]
Sector Count [SEC_COUNT: 0x003ab800]
 Device is NOT block-addressed
Minimum Write Performance for 8bit:
 [MIN_PERF_W_8_52: 0x00]
 [MIN_PERF_R_8_52: 0x00]
 [MIN_PERF_W_8_26_4_52: 0x00]
 [MIN_PERF_R_8_26_4_52: 0x00]
Minimum Write Performance for 4bit:
 [MIN_PERF_W_4_26: 0x00]
 [MIN_PERF_R_4_26: 0x00]
Power classes registers:
 [PWR_CL_26_360: 0x00]
 [PWR_CL_52_360: 0x00]
 [PWR_CL_26_195: 0x00]
 [PWR_CL_52_195: 0x00]
Partition switching timing [PARTITION_SWITCH_TIME: 0x00]
Out-of-interrupt busy timing [OUT_OF_INTERRUPT_TIME: 0x00]
Card Type [CARD_TYPE: 0x03]
 HS eMMC @52MHz - at rated device voltage(s)
 HS eMMC @26MHz - at rated device voltage(s)
CSD structure version [CSD_STRUCTURE: 0x02]
Command set [CMD_SET: 0x00]
Command set revision [CMD_SET_REV: 0x00]
Power class [POWER_CLASS: 0x00]
High-speed interface timing [HS_TIMING: 0x01]
Erased memory content [ERASED_MEM_CONT: 0x00]
Boot configuration bytes [PARTITION_CONFIG: 0x78]
 User Area Enabled for boot
 No access to boot partition
Boot config protection [BOOT_CONFIG_PROT: 0x00]
Boot bus Conditions [BOOT_BUS_CONDITIONS: 0x00]
High-density erase group definition [ERASE_GROUP_DEF: 0x00]
Boot write protection status registers [BOOT_WP_STATUS]: 0x00
Boot Area Write protection [BOOT_WP]: 0x00
 Power ro locking: possible
 Permanent ro locking: possible
 ro lock status: not locked
User area write protection register [USER_WP]: 0x00
FW configuration [FW_CONFIG]: 0x00
Write reliability setting register [WR_REL_SET]: 0x00
 user area: existing data is at risk if a power failure occurs during a write operation
 partition 1: existing data is at risk if a power failure occurs during a write operation
 partition 2: existing data is at risk if a power failure occurs during a write operation
 partition 3: existing data is at risk if a power failure occurs during a write operation
 partition 4: existing data is at risk if a power failure occurs during a write operation
Write reliability parameter register [WR_REL_PARAM]: 0x00
Enable background operations handshake [BKOPS_EN]: 0x00
H/W reset function [RST_N_FUNCTION]: 0x00
HPI management [HPI_MGMT]: 0x00
Partitioning Support [PARTITIONING_SUPPORT]: 0x03
 Device support partitioning feature
 Device can have enhanced tech.
Max Enhanced Area Size [MAX_ENH_SIZE_MULT]: 0x000100
 i.e. 131072 KiB
Partitions attribute [PARTITIONS_ATTRIBUTE]: 0x00
Partitioning Setting [PARTITION_SETTING_COMPLETED]: 0x00
 Device partition setting NOT complete

this does not help for me :frowning:

Hi there,
Hard to follow this , You posted it 3 times, a little different each time… Let’s stick to one post on this EMC issue so Those that know can zero in on it and offer there assistants

I would ask your specific question so we don’t have to guess also.
GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

hi, thanks for the quick reply. I am looking for a solution to the problem. I’ve posted it a few times because I’m new to this forum and a little nervous about a problem. I apologize for the inconvenience caused. I remain available to provide new information. you can direct me to another forum if you think that will help

1 Like

Hi there,
I see that, I would suggest the wiki for the product is the best starting point . I can see from the log that the EMMC device looks to be ok, It is complaining about the *.img file. May be corrupt or a bad download.
I would recommend to download it in zip and unzip it to a folder then set the Flasher to open it from there.
It may take a different download image for the device you are using so be sure it’s the correct file.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

Post any errors or questions and lots of smart folks here will reply. (threads are per item or device issue , BTW ) :+1:

several times I installed Armbian-xxx.iso through rkdevtool for windows successfully. the device was not charging via emmc. then i booted via sdcard i used armbian-config to make it boot from emmc. gave an error there. I tried to do a manual migration. several times I made new partitions with cfdick in /dev/mmcblk0. I was looking at mmcblk0boot0 mmcblk0boot2 . I removed the write protection flags and corrupted the file system. guess it corrupted emmc access. what do you suggest i try?

Sounds like it didn’t power down properly,
Is there a recovery mode?(hold button down while power on)?
If so start there. will it boot from SD ? If so use some tools to fix it out of band. Is it removable?
My Rock64 has removable. I removed it and used a socket adapter to USB and formatted and installed Armbian that way. YMMV

I’d suggest using the buildroot build to create a ram filesystem that you can use, then use the eMMC partitioned into a primary FAT + ext4 partition and mount the ext4 partition for your data.

Now make sure that you can recover the ext4 partition if things go wrong (keep some .zip file on the primary partition with a fixed set of recovery files that you can use if you lose everything)…

Finally make sure FSCK_FIX=y is set so your filesystem is automatically cleaned and fixed if it is found to be corrupted

GL :wink: PJ :v:

emmc bootloader work and i can boot from sdcard but load armbian is very slow and install package is very slow
this is gparted attempt to access /dev/mmcblk0 - emmc. program also inform me there is no filesystem. i do’t need to rescue any information on this device.

Hi there,
Looks like it is NOT formatted correctly to start.
and it needs partitions to know where to put things?
Is gparted the proper tool? Nothing will work until its formatted and partitioned properly.
Get familiar with some boot from USB tools or linux distro to fix it first.
Google has a ton of references, USB boot tools for linus and EMMC fix utilities and formatters.
Back to basics.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

you mean to use ( Goldfinge 200 PIN, SODIMM, 0.5mm Pitch) to usb convertor ? where i can buy?

Go look at a tool for the flash and chip Lots available.
try an openwrt toolset or even better FriendlyWrt has an eMMC tool for one of there older rk3568-sd.img files. the tool should let you open any image after.
boot a tool from USB or SD and fix the eMMC.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

maybe this is an upgrade :+1:

does anyone have more advanced documents or specification for LinkStar-H68K-1432 v2 system on module and motherboard and any related to this product?

after this procedure does i wait device to restart. does i must seen anything on monitor. first led how can blinking