Respeaker Mic Array V2 breaking drivers on SBC

I am having a problem when the mic array is connected with USB to my Android board.

I am not able to initialise the AudioRecord anymore because the driver is being used by the mic array for some reason. Do you have some workaround for this? I can record audio on any other app no issue as well.

If you can record audio using other apps without any issues, it might be a problem with how your application interacts with the microphone driver or the configuration of your microphone array.

For some reason, it’s the mic array on boot. The mic only works if I plug it in during runtime actually.
Here are the logs I got from checking the sound cards in proc/asound. you can see the first is without the mic array attached, the second is it attached at runtime, and the third is after rebooting with it attached. It pushed the other sound cards up and made the mic array the default.

127|Tinker_Board_2:/proc/asound $ cat cards
 0 [hdmisound      ]: hdmi-sound - hdmi-sound
 1 [rockchipcdndpso]: rockchip-cdndp- - rockchip-cdndp-sound
Tinker_Board_2:/proc/asound $ aplay -l
/system/bin/sh: aplay: inaccessible or not found
127|Tinker_Board_2:/proc/asound $ cat cards                                                                                                                                                                                                             
 0 [hdmisound      ]: hdmi-sound - hdmi-sound
 1 [rockchipcdndpso]: rockchip-cdndp- - rockchip-cdndp-sound
 2 [ArrayUAC10     ]: USB-Audio - ReSpeaker 4 Mic Array (UAC1.0)
                      SEEED ReSpeaker 4 Mic Array (UAC1.0) at, full speed
Tinker_Board_2:/proc/asound $ %                                                                                                                                                                                                                          lloydhussell@MAC-Y6XGW6XJ0H Dukebox-Android % adb shell
Tinker_Board_2:/ $ cd proc/asound/                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
Tinker_Board_2:/proc/asound $ cat cards
 1 [hdmisound      ]: hdmi-sound - hdmi-sound
 2 [rockchipcdndpso]: rockchip-cdndp- - rockchip-cdndp-sound