Replacing sensor chip of the XIAO nrf52840 sense with another model

I have an Seeed Studio XIAO nrf52840 sense and I wish to change the chip to make it better suited to my project. Is it possible to replace the LSM6DS3TR-C sensor chip with another chip model such as: IIS3DWB, IIM-42352? Both are from the LGA-14 package and are 2.5 mm x 3 mm in size.

IIS3DWB Datasheet

IIM-42352 Datasheet

I would be very grateful for any guidance.

Hi there,
Well maybe, Replacing the IMU with another, You may be better off to have Seeed Fusion Board service make you one. Can’t hurt to enquire.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

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Hello PJ_Glasso. Your tip was wonderful, thank you very much! I will probably need this in the future. But first I needed to know if the simple replacement would work. I need to do a proof of concept first.

Hi there,
Sure, So I looked at the schematic and looks as the pins are compatible.
One is more of a Vibration sensor , as the other is an IMU. Looks to have similar Specs as the onboard LSM6D3 one at first glance , but I would have to look closer to be 100.

GL :slight_smile: PJ :v: