I’m trying to use xBee with the Rainbow Cube but no success. Even a simple code like the one below does not transmit anything. If I get the xBee out of the plate and connect to my shield on another Arduino everything works. I’ve wired TX and RX to the plate as the image attached, is it necessary to wire up the SDA and SDL line too?
I was checking the Schematic of my shield and it has a 15k pull-down resistor and a 10k resistor in the TX line, this plate has the exactly the opposite. Could that be a issue?
What do you mean with “module for the cube”? Will that be another component to attach the cube (that I can buy) or a tutorial on how to wire things up?
Are the SDA and SDL connections required? From what I know, only the VCC, GND TX and RX are the minimum connections;