Questions about MR24FDB1 mmWradar

Hi writing a new C/C++ library for the MR24FDB1, and have a couple of questions:

  • Location, i’m sometimes getting a 01 01 04 and even 01 01 05 responses on the Approaching away state report (0x04 0x03 0x07) according to the manual the highest value should be 01 01 03. so what does the 01 01 04 mean ?

  • What are the expected values from the reporting module: Device ID, Software Version, Hardware Version, Protocol Version. All but the Protocol Version seems to be returning ASCII values, but the protocol version seems to be a binary non ASCII string,

  • In the documentation for Report Radar Information / Signs Parameter an “Apendix 2” is mentioned, where can i find that ?

  • I also once in a while se a Report other information report with Address code 2 == 0x09 which is not mentioned in the manual, what is it ?