Quelle est la version de jetpack préinstallée dans la carte Jetson Xavier NX 8 Go et 16 Go?

What is the version of jetpack pre-installed in the Jetson Xavier NX card 8 GB and 16 GB?

I prefer the jetpack 5.1 for the ubuntu 20.04 OS

HI there,
and welcome here. Afaik they all come with :smiley:

  • Accelerate Solutions to Market: P re-installed JetPack 5.1.1 on 128GB NVMe SSD, Linux OS BSP, supporting Jetson software and leading AI frameworks.

GL :slight_smile: PJ

Some are updatable to JP6.0 but YMMV… maybe Seeed Suport can comment on it?
and any plans… would be good to know and hear. :+1: