nRF52840 randomly turning off when connected to 3V battery sensor but fine when connected to USB-C power source

I have a seeed studio nrf52840 sensor connected to a 3V battery, and I’ve put a very simple program on it using Zephyr OS that collects IMU data (it doesn’t send it anywhere) and has an LED that blinks every 5 minutes for 3 seconds.

When the sensor connects to my computer as the power source it stays running forever, but when i connect it to the 3V battery, for some reason it will just stop working after a few hours. The issue is not that the battery has died because when I takeout the battery and put it back into the battery holder, all of a sudden it starts working again.

Any ideas on why this is the case? I moved from Arduino IDE to Zephyr OS thinking that would solve the problem but it didn’t work

what type of battery… the battery is discharged … when you disconnect it is able to rebound power for a few time… the NRF requires between 3.3-3.7 v

Thanks for the help! We’re using a 3V Coin Cell Battery - CR2477W.

Would this mean I have to change the battery I use to be in between the required range?

you probably should use a LiPo battery with 3.7v …

without that option you may be able to try more coin cells coin cells wired in parallel provide more capacity… wired in serial provides more voltage… you would need the wired in parallel

also a super capacitor or regular capacitor

Okay, so the logic here is that by using a battery with a higher voltage I could be within the required voltage range and prevent discharge?

Ideally, I would want this to last multiple days so is that realistic with a sensor like the ​​nRF52840 or am I over optimistic?

i think you would be better served in your application to go with a LiPo Rechargable and Maybe Solar … those coin cells are not going to do what you are trying… maybe 18650

what you are having is a power brownout issue… the coin cells cannot provide the current

Hi there,
So those are all good points on Battery.
It should work, Can you post the code? you are using I can try it with the power profiler attached and see what is going on? Are you using system on sleep ?
Zephyr will provide its own sleep whenever the MCU is idle. FYI, you may just need a wakeup stub code that restarts it from sleep. or use the IMU wakeup to recover from sleep.

The coin cell can work I use CR2450 and it works pretty well YMMV depending on the “ON” time and the sleep code. Time to review the Power Ninja’s :ninja: thread on sleep & system on Sleep @msfujino. :+1:
GL :slight_smile: PJ :v: