My C# program can't receive any data from Xiao

I started with a simple sketch to send data back to PC, also allow PC to control the LEDs on xiao.

When running the sketch, if I use teraterm/putty, i can receive data from xiao and control the LED.

but when i use c#, i can control the LED, but i can never receive anything from xiao. Any suggestion?

Thanks for any pointer!

[xiao sketch]

  const int LedPin = 13;  
  int ledState = 0;  

  void setup()  
    pinMode(LedPin, OUTPUT);  

  void loop()  
    char receiveVal;     
    if(SerialUSB.available() > 0)  
        receiveVal =;  
        if(receiveVal == '1')      
          ledState = 1;     
          ledState = 0; 
    digitalWrite(LedPin, ledState);   

[VS2017 C# console program]

  using System;
  using System.IO.Ports;
  namespace ConsoleApp1
      class Program
          static SerialPort _serialPort;
          static char [] message = new char [6000];
          public static void Main()
              int i;
              _serialPort = new SerialPort();
              _serialPort.PortName = "COM6";//Set your board COM
              _serialPort.BaudRate = 9600;
              while (true)
                  if ((i=_serialPort.BytesToRead)>0)
                      _serialPort.Read(message, 0, i);
                  if (Console.KeyAvailable)
                      string c = Console.ReadLine();
                      if (c == "x")