MR60FDA2 60GHZ mmWave Sensor takes a long time to detect Fall Status

I recently bought MR60FDA2 and tested it with the fall_demo code as shown:

I realized it took about 20 seconds for the Sensor to change the status to “EXIST_PEOPLE” to " PEOPLE_FALL"

I would like to ask if there is any API or method or writing bytes to change the settings of the MR60FDA2 by shortening the time to confirm a FALL?

Hi there,
So I’m interested in this as well, Radar vs. IMU on a wearable by the patient. I doubt any firmware code can be changed AS I’m pretty sure it’s proprietary firmware. Let’s see what the Fellow Seeeder’s have to say…BUMP?

GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

I have purchased some MR60FDA2 modules too. I don’t think you can change that. Beside this, I am experiencing some issues with the module’s functionality. Specifically, the sensor outputs false positives (i.e., detects a fall) when a person is sitting on a chair at the edge of the fall detection area. Is anyone having a similar problem?

hi seeed studio team, is there any updates for this?