J1010, how to detect and mount SD card in the SD card slot

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Is there any news on this issue?

It looks like a hardware bug or driver bug, or missing driver module. I did modproble some sd card modules. But that did not help. The modules a simply not loaded without any message.

I would expect the SD card to run out-of-the box. Is this indeed not working for everybody out-of-the box of is it just me (and the other person in this tread) that have this problem?

Hello, this command can be executed normally, you can check again to see if the command is consistent with the Wiki during the input process

Hello Seraphina,
thanks for your time.
The thing is I don’t have the directory “jetson-io” on my jetson card. I did follow the step of the wiki. Instead I ave in my nvidia directory : " “l4t-bootloader-config” “l4t-usb-device-mode” “vpi1”. (I don’t have the config-by-hardware.py file either).
Best regards,

Maybe you can refresh the system, recommend JetPack4.6.1

Alright will do a new flash then.
I will keep you updated. Hope it will be usefull.
Thanks for your time.

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Hello again,
So I m struggling with sdkmanager and the flashing operation. I have SDKManager1.8.0.10363. First I used Ubuntu22.04 but this OS was not supported by the Jetson Nano because on the “target operating system” step, nothing was available for this version. I tried to install Ubuntu 18.04 on 2 different computers, but as the computers were too new, they did not support this OS. So I managed to find a CentOS.7.9.1908 but once again I have the same first issue. So my questions are : what OS on my host computer should I get for my Jetson Nano? Is there, instead, a version of sdkmanager that can fix my issue ?
Best regards,

This is the Host Operating System supported by JetPack

Thanks for the matrix, I have seen it already but are there any other possible way ? I think I can’t get a Ubuntu 18.04 and therefore a 16.04 …

Since I don’t have Ubuntu, I am trying to add an USB stick to my system with this tutorial

I am a bit worries about this step : Step 6. Modify the boot configuration to complete the expansion.
In fact, I have the file /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf but I don’t have this one /media/nvidia/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf.
I don’t have the nvidia directory, I have my user directory and the USB directory in /media.
I guess the “nvidia” directory is your user directory but my user directory is empty… However I did everything right before and nothing weird happened.
Therefore I have modified the rootf path in the /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf file, and I am going to modify the path in the /media/USB/boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf file…
In the way I understand the tutorial, you modify the file on your system twice but not on the USB stick, and in my case I modify the file in my lcoal system and in my USB stick aswell.
Can you enlighten me on this subject ? Is there anything wrong ? What should I modify and where ? I don’t want to fail this step because I don’t have the possibility to do the backup step (no ubuntu…)
Best regards,

Through your question, the highest version of Ubuntu supported by your jetpack version is version 20.04, burning under version 22.04 will cause errors, maybe you can try to reinstall a version 20.04 ubuntu

Hello Jostar,
When reporting to the matrix the latest Jetpack version supported by Jetson Nano’s is 4.x so Ubuntu 18.04.
But my worries are more about the file to edit…

Hi,nano_o!Do you mean that you are more worried about formatting all files and programs when reburning the system? In the problem you described earlier, you mentioned that some files were missing due to a burn failure and suggested that the system need to be re-burned.I am deeply sorry and sad for the files cannot be backed up…

I read all the documents. But none of the document have answers to my questions in this topic. I am confused.

It seems to me every recomputer J1010 is missing the required driver. Not just my J1010. So basically it is a bug in the pre installed system because it is not working out of the box. Am I correct?

As far as my knowledge op linux goes, this should easily be fixed. Mobprobe the module should work, unless the kernel is not prepered for the module. In that case a new kernel-image should solve the problem. Normally you would be able to apt-get a new kernel image from respositories.Just apt-get install kernelpackage

I already did apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get autoremove

I do not understand the steps in the documentation. I do not understand what the commands are doing and and how they in any way are related to each other and to the issue that the operating system is not detecting the inserted micro SD card.

Can someone please explain a more high level overview of the cause of the problem and the solution?

Kind regards and many thanks in advance.

I have done same things you did Eduard, but nothing worked and the tutorial to activate the SD reader specify that we must flash an image on the Jetson Nano.

I finally found a device to install my Ubuntu 18.04, then I installed SDK Manager and followed the tutorial from seed-studio : reComputer J1010 | J101 | Seeed Studio Wiki

Then I did the tutorial : J101 Enable SD Card | Seeed Studio Wiki

AND… my SD card is finally seen by my Jetson nano card !
Regarding my USB stick I did not finished the tutorial sinced I have flashed a new OS and use my SD card from now on.

Thanks to all of you for your time and help.

Hello,Eduard! This is the basic command of Linux: apt-get update to update, apt-get upgrade to synchronize the installation package version of the software source to get the latest installation package version, and apt-get autoremove toremove software installation packages that are no longer needed to save memory. For J1010,yes, it is not working out of the box! This problem needs to be solved by downloading NVIDIA’s official jetpack and reinstalling the system. For other problems, you may need to consult NVIDIA’s official technical support engineers. I hope my answer will solve some of your doubts
best wishes for you


To summarize:

  • the reComputer J1010 has a micro SD card slot, but it’s not working because the pre-installed OS is not supporting the SD card slot
  • It is not possible to update the OS in a standard way to make it work

To make it work take the following steps:

  • get a seperate laptop/PC with Ubuntu 18.04 (which is old, in fact: end of life)

  • get a hardware jumper

  • get an USB C cable connect the reComputer

  • get a nVidea Account

  • download SDKmanager to the Ubuntu laptop

  • Use the jumper to connect the FC REC pin and the GND pin to force reset of the reComputer

  • Connect the reComputer to the laptop using the USB cable

  • Flash a new version of the Jetson OS to the eMMC card? Using a lot of technical steps of a part of wiki that is difficult to understand, because this wiki is for flashing a OS to the SD card instead of eMMC.

  • remove the jumper?

I understand this is the only way to get the SD card working. But why? Why can’t I just upgrade the kernel? What makes J1010 different than a normal computer?

haha,The first thing to consider is the NVIDIA jetpack memory problem that we need to worry about when burning the system so we need to use the SD card; About you want to know whether you can only upgrade the kernel doubts, this I can do nothing, perhaps NVIDIA’s official technical support can give a more reasonable explanation, after all, J1010 is based on NVIDIA

Hi, I am having the same problem and trying to solve.
Did you have a solution?

Hi @Nguyen_Nguy_n
Please follow this step to move your system to your sd card:

BTW, which version of jetpack did you use?