Is there any way to setup right side Grove connector of Wio Terminal for I2C

I want to connect Grove SCD30 and SHT35 for Wio Terminal.
Is there any way to setup right side Grove connector of Wio Terminal for I2C ?

I was wondering something along the same lines just now.

Naming of parts: Lookiing at the side of the Wio Terminal with the USB-C connector, with the side with the LCD up, there are two Grove connectors.

I’ve used the one on the left happily enough with a third party I2C module (See

I’m wondering…

Did I get it right when I did my I2C work with that connector?
Can I connect I2C devices to the other Grove connector, the one to the right of the USB-C, as described above?
What changes would one make in the code to “tell” the sketch “look there”?

What IS the right hand Grove intended for, if I’ve got things mostly right?