Image recognition on K210

I’m looking for code for recognizing objects for 640x480 images from camera
Also I want to create small app that would extract AI model from bitmap image for K210 KPU format and looking for C#/C++ code
Thanks for help

Hello, which product are you enquiring about?

I have Maix Bit, Grove AI Hat, Maix Dock

Hello, the SDK and development language currently available for this product is micropython. no C++/C support yet. Sorry for any inconvenience caused to you.
But we have found this program which you can try as a reference for the time being.

Thank you - very interesting program. This is for speech recognition only however.
K210 has hardware learning or pattern recognition I would have to look closer into.
I think you should start supporting C/C++ more on it - I get amazing results with that C++ SDK