How To Flash A New Image To A SenseCAP M2?

Hi! Is there a procedure on a SenseCAP M2 like the one available for SenseCAP M1 to flash a new image? After factory reset, the LoRaWAN gateway for Helium (SenseCAP M2 light hotspot) is broken and is unable to reach Sensecap OTA servers for an automatic firmware update.

please do not post multiple items on the forum and discord… the staff is on weekend break… they will reply to one of your posts eventually if they can help… otherwise extranious posts do not help the situation at all…

Thanks for taking some time to read about our situation.
I’m writing over here as well because the first user that reported is was on Monday June 3, 2024, and given the quality of the answers received by the support ticketing system it seems they’re not understanding. Another story would be if they reply: hey, we are investigating, give us more time, or hey open the device, do this test… but on my case they’re saying that is my internet… which is not true.

I think this is another valid question, another topic but are related.

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understandable! keep up the good work… i truly hope your situation can be resolved… otherwise do you like helium? what is the deal with minting (cant say the other word… you know the one meaning digging out of the ground) it, is it really a thing or a boondogle? I just got a SenseCAP S2120 weather station… it is working flawlessly off the helium hot spot down the road… only problem is all the reedings are in metric and i am in America and cannot read metric, I am looking for a toggle switch… but no information is coming out… trust me i am frustrated… you have to remember that Seeed is a hardware manufacturer… so they just make the circuitboards and whatnot in a factory… its like asking a candy maker why my candybar is not sweet… the answer is thrw it away and try a new one…

I’m still learning about Helium, have a couple of gateways and experienced with Data Only and PoC’s ones. Recently I helped a relative to buy his S2120. I hope I can help him to configure it remotely, because he needs it for a small farm. I think there should be a way to edit the formulas/decoder. I remember I had to do that with another brand LoRaWAN tracker with Helium Legacy console (LNS) and Datacake.

That is a wonderful analogy about the issue!

This is the answer that I received to my ticket… :man_facepalming:

The M2 gateway does not need to flash a new image like the M1. You can refer to this link for guidance:

On s2120 i was able to change the uplink frequency remotly and was able to update the firmware with bluetooth from the iPhone app

now I need to change the readings to US from metric

The procedure is still restricted to SenseCAP team, but at least they have fixed the automatic firmware update process. Read more at the thread: Factory reset of SenseCAP M2 (Helium version aka Light hotspot) make it uselesss

Hi there,

So what is the deal on this device? Is it ready for prime time or just a good idea not fully implemented or experienced ? this a the T1000E just are not their yet or what is your take on it?
GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

The M2 is just a LoRa Gateway The T1000E is a Meshtastic Node device does what it says it does… it is just like stringing two cans between neighbors… you can talk all you want but no one is listening… I am boxing up 2 right now from my haul to send to my cousin and his son and grandson so they can play with it in the mountains of north carolina… as far as i can tell it works completely as discribed… I will try to answer any more specific questions you may have… I heard yesterday it will be open sourced come next year. I think it would be a great hiking communicator… odds are the battery would be dead if you ever needed it …with the exception of the fact you need a smart phone and app to communicate with the device… but theoredically it would work in 0 cell service situations…

Surprisingly i took it to a college town in PA and was getting pings off of devices all over the place… but no one was talking… kinda like a text based CB radio… you can have open broadcast of messages or person to person on “channels” i dont know what they use it for either… probably ordering pizza if you catch my meaning…

I am going to ride by the big city and see if i get any pings today… i will report back… the only communication i ever recieved was from an airplane flying from canada to brazil… apparently they have a LoRa Meshtastic device on the plane and it was broadcasting ping messages down to earth below … my unit detected the device and a little googling showed the route going directly over my house +/- that was kinda neat…

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Awesome… Thanks for spelling it out :grin: I think Gateway open Source would boost the thing on more peoples radar. I like the concept but it seems the software as per usual is the gating (no pun intended) issue :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I see the mesh piece being usable if they get the tracking dialed in. It’s in the NAME so it should do location something? I like the two cans and string analogy :+1:

I lived in Rural Butler PA. on a farm as I said my Pops was a Attorney in the Burgh and would commute everyday 1hr. (well his lead foot) 35 minutes to DownTown Pittsburgh.
I bet a lot of ping there…:v:

So can’t others listen in on the pizza order though or is it encrypted?
Good stuff.
GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

Spoke to my brother at the farm , FUZOUL 17 :cold_face: I ain’t shoveling any snow :stuck_out_tongue:

I went up to around Johnstown PA and my friend went to state college up there somewhere within a radius but i dont know exactly the name of the town

The M2 LoRa gateway is basicly a dumb device… it just recieves LoRa packets and forwards to a Packet server like Seeed SenseCAP Dashboard or another supported server (Thats the hard part) or i think if you know what you are doing you can host your own server. All of that is on another device. It would be nice if it could also host a local server on the device because i think it is basicly a Raspberry Pi Compute module with a LoRa 10 channel concentrator modem… or something like that bla bla…

Apparently even though LoRa started as a single channel device on a arduino Uno, now supposidy you can qulify to be a LoRa gateway unless you can handle 10 channels…

The LoRa Gateway is just a pass thru… it recieves the messages and passes them to the internet
thru your local wifi… and maybe a ethernet wired connection. I think you can get one that relays directly to the cellular network as well. I think it will relay any message and not just “Your Messages” It only passes to one server. Also you have to make sure it will function in your RF region, but lucky most can be switched with software, but if your country uses a crazy frequency you may need a different chip to get that frequency and that is a hardware issue

This is basicly the extent of the cool information… everything else is basic router like stuff… connecting to your wireless router via WiFi… controlling whether or not the lights blink all the time or not, forcing a remote reboot… stuff like that… nothing at all impressive

If you notice the LoRa packages went down… thats because i had a Tracker 1110 Wio Tracker 1110 Dev Board- the Tracker Prototype for Indoor and Outdoor Positioning - Seeed Studio
in my car so when i went out today i was out of range for that device

The M2 firmware is closed source for some reason I dont know exactly why… I think Seeed said it was propriotory due to the original client who commissioned the design… probably the Chineese CIA or something… I would think you could get the compiled binary if you crashed it or something… that is also why you cant SSH into the console remotely but can manage thru http: It is technicly not a Linux device or Open WRT… its propritory

People spend too much time trying to update firmware… also scammers will try to get you to update firmware from a fishing site.

All of this LoRa stuff is ripe with fishing scammers who are trying to get your Helium Crypto Wallet passcodes … they tell you you need to update your firmware before you can proceed and redirect you to a spoofing website that proptly asks you to input your 21 word Helium Wallet Pass Phrases which YOU SHOULD NEVED DO and is not even needed. I also started to fall for it, but since i dont have any Helium and did not intent to I did not fall for it, but if you do, they wipe your bank account and its too bad so sad…

It is typical of the support you would expect from Seeed Exelance

I drove around all of Hampton Roads today and did not recieve any pings from any other Meshtastic devices…