How to establish a point to point communication with the LoRa E5 mini modules

Hello There,

I recently purchased these LoRa E5 mini boards. Using these modules, I aim to wirelessly control a stepper motor with a joystick from a distance. I haven’t found much information on the internet. I want to know whether controlling a motor wirelessly using these modules will be possible or if any other seeed studio modules will serve my purpose. (Note: Communication distance is 500 m in NLOS conditions)

Hi there,
Yea, those spec’s NLOS is probably the highest hurdle. What kind of through put?
will there be feedback, or FDX(full duplex) connection? Those should fit the bill.
Why not RF and Servo’s ?
GL :slight_smile: PJ

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Hey @PJ_Glasso Thanks for giving your views on my problem.

There is no feedback in this system. It’s kind of half duplex. Just need to control the motors.

In my setup motors have a payload of 2 kg. I don’t think servos will bear that load that’s why I choose stepper motors. And comes to RF modules, I don’t find any industrial and robust modules to work on. Please let me know if you know of any robust RF modules.

Hi there,
Yes, that makes sense with the load , I see allot of Drone /RC plane motors, servos and Transmitters and receivers that could possibly handle the Radio specs’ easy and even add GPS to it.
here is a link to some info and Parts.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

I envision a Lora-board and Stepper motor driver board, could make the bare minimum link IMO.
One question is ? Would the Motor vehicle be semi-autonomous only receiving commands from the Control?

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If LoRa won’t serve my purpose. I will go with this RF module as you suggested. The RF receiver is fine for me. But I don’t want to use this big joystick controller that is ready-made available. I want to build a transmitter on my own. So, I need two transceiver modules capable of communicating over a 500 m distance in NLOS.

Hi there,
I believe they would do the job, but check this out for “small” joystick :smile:

something like this wouldn’t be bad?

GL :slight_smile: PJ

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