Hello guys,
I want to enabel SSH on the SenseCraft Edge OS.
I have read the „Starting with SenseCraft Edge OS“ but there is no mention about SSH connection. I have also read the „Getting started with reTerminal DM“ and flashing the OS where there is specified how to enable SSH connection but only for the Raspberian OS.
I want to use the SenseCraft Edge OS and also use the SSH connection. I have noticed that reTerminal DM has on the back written user: admin and a password: xxxxxx.
Do I use these for SSH?
Because when I try to connect to the reTerminal DM using Putty it sends me this error:
You should be able to add your public key to the /usr/home/seeed/.ssh/authorized_keys file. This requires you connect the reTerminal to another machine and add the SSH public key in plaintext to that file and login should work. See the examples for mounting the partitions using this instruction link: How to flash Raspberry Pi OS/ 64-bit Ubuntu OS or Other OS to eMMC | Seeed Studio Wiki , just mount the eMMC drive and change the file.
example of how to generate a pair if you have never done so:
Add your public key to the “seeed” user. Many ways to do this.
Found an easier way:
Generate a ssh pubkey and place it on another machine on your network accessible via SSH.
attach a keyboard to the terminal, press Ctrl+Shift +F1
You will be on a logged in terminal as the “seeed” user. It’s locked down in some ways.
Modifying files is forbidden, but adding files is not.
scp user@remote_host:/path/to/pubkey.file /home/seeed/.ssh/authorized_keys2
The trick here is not mentioned in any SSH documentation, but the code permits files that have a number appended valid authorized_key files for the user, which SSH will happily permit. So, even though authorized_keys is taken, authorized_keys# is permitted and checked for.
Note: All changes require sudo, but there’s nothing stopping you.
seeed@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo -l
Matching Defaults entries for seeed on raspberrypi:
env_reset, mail_badpass, secure_path=/usr/local/sbin\:/usr/local/bin\:/usr/sbin\:/usr/bin\:/sbin\:/bin, env_keep+=NO_AT_BRIDGE, env_keep+="http_proxy HTTP_PROXY",
env_keep+="https_proxy HTTPS_PROXY", env_keep+="ftp_proxy FTP_PROXY", env_keep+=RSYNC_PROXY, env_keep+="no_proxy NO_PROXY"
User seeed may run the following commands on raspberrypi: