GrovePi+ and ADC for RasbPi

Isn’t the GrovePi+ possible of converting analog to digital natively for using a capacitive moisture sensor with the RasbPi? I can’t find documentation anywhere on the GrovePi+. Is there a resource library. I am trying to make a simple automated greenhouse with moisture controlled irrigation.

@Mr_Man I hope this document will help you.

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Thanks, hopefully someone at Seeed updates the test codes here: to test their capacitive moisture sensor ( which refers to the GrovePi platform site for the code which isn’t in their list.

Hi @Mr_Man
We have added many sensors that refer to the GrovePi platform site for the code which isn’t on the GrovePI Plus list. You can check it in the wiki.

Thanks for sharing. So since I do not see the code on the GrovePI Plus wiki site, should I assume it is not supported for Pi? The only reason I bought the plus was because I didn’t want to have to use a external ADC which all current code use since this is a new feature.

Hi @Mr_Man
Yes, almost all of us supported products have been added to the GrovePi plus wiki site, so you can think so. But if you find out what we’ve missed, please let us know and we’ll make it up.

Can you provide the python code to test the capacitive moisture sensor please?

grovepi.analogRead(0) - socket A0, read 0-1023

So does the port automatically convert the signal from analog to digital? I thought I needed to tell it to

Yes, you can test it first.