Groove Vision AI V2 - I can't get Homeassistant to work

In step 11 of the wiki - Connecting to Home Assistant | Seeed Studio Wiki, I can’t get Groove Vision AI V2 to be found by Homeassistant. Looking at the EMQX Logs, I notice that the board connects with MQTT. But in step by step, I can’t make the connection. Timeout error occurs.

The system does not automatically find my device, and manual configuration is required. In this case, when filling out the SETUP MQTT SERVER form with my server information, I cannot connect through setup.

MQTT connection timeout

EMQX - Connection Info

|Node|[email protected]|
|Client ID| grove_vision_ai_v2
|Username| myuser
|Protocol| MQTT v3.1.1|
|IP Address| myGrooveIpAddress:57773|
|Keepalive| 15|
|Clean Session|true|
|Connected At|2024-05-11 13:22:39|

Session Info

|Session Expiry Interval|0|
|Created At|2024-05-11 13:22:39|
|Heap Size|2586 bytes|
|Message Queue|0/1000View Message|
|Inflight|0/32View Message|
|QoS 2 Message Receive Queue|0/100|

Same issue. Used the mqtt2uart example and get wifi and mqtt connected. EQMX detects the board, but the alleged integration not… Exactly one month, and this still not working and there is no support.

I’m sorry I’m late. I will test it for your situation. We apologize for the inconvenience. We’ll be sure to contact you here as soon as we have the results.

Another hint is, when SenseCraft extension try to integrate my Groove Vision AI V2, the name header start with grove_vision_ai_we2_uniqueid and not grove_vision_ai_v2_uniqueid.

If you arrived at this topic after trying unsuccessfully to configure your Groove Vision Ai V2 to work with Home Assistant, first take a look at the date of previous messages and the response time between them.

Hi there,
Sounds like an Island… LOL, I’m about to embark on the same journey, HA with Gove Vision Ai V2 and a coral AI M2 e-key version all in an Intel NUC as host machine. It’s an I5 so plenty of juice for the squeeze also some IP cameras too. I anticipate some hurdles.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

In file strings.json, the name of the board is typed wrong.
grove_vision_ai_we2 instead of grove_vision_ai_v2

Proposed correction, but I will try it mannualy sometime.